Sujet : The Star Wars Thread

I'd really like to see some more EU take place in that era. There are so many years that are yet unexplored!
(To be fair, I've only read about 5 of the Disney canon novels so far. Haven't tried that something-something-Edge trilogy yet.)

I think Rian Johnson confirmed that he won't do a EU trilogy, and the GOT directors will probably do something different.

Oh, I meant Disney's EU. I haven't seen a lot of content from them between the Battle of Jakku and the beginning of Force Awakens. Actually, a lot of stories seem to end at that battle. Like Battlefront II's vanilla campaign and Lost Stars (the novel).
I believe it is just the Aftermath Trilogy that explores the time in between, but I haven't read those yet. And there is 'Phasma', of course. but that one takes place on an isolated planet.

Oooohh…that finale


me so much…
I mean, it was good and all, but just…WHY?!?!?

I thought it was reeaal good. I teared up a few times, and crashed the back of my head on the wall during some twists. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time, it was like RotJ and Last Jedi had a baby!
The epilogue made it all perfect, a shame we only get to see Sabine's dark armor for a few seconds…or do we? Perhaps this new series will link with Rebels, the way Rebels did with Clone Wars! Because, like Luke, Ezra is still out there.

And Pryce. Though she betrayed the Empire to not be eaten, I'm glad to see she died standing up for the Empire still. She was one of my favorite characters.

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I'm just so glad that Rex is canon now emoji
And I would very much like to see Ahsoka join the ghost crew with Mart and Rex and search for Ezra.

According to Dave Filoni, both Thrawn and Ezra are still alive.
Of course, also according to Dave Filoni:
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Yep! But I had already started to view him as Rex, but it's nice that it's official now!


Yeah, I noticed that too! Joke or secret truth? emoji

Yep! But I had already started to view him as Rex, but it's nice that it's official now!


Yeah, I noticed that too! Joke or secret truth? emoji
Skip to the 8 minute mark of this video, and discover the truth! emoji

Ha, well… it's still not 100% clear to me. emoji


Did you see the first Last Jedi deleted scene?

Of course, as Phangirl, I'll have to over analyse it! emoji
Ok, so… Stormstroopers as indoctrinated from birth, trained by Captain Cardinal first and then Phasma. But they're immediately pushed to not only respect, but also fear Phasma. When Phasma says "who would believe a story like that." the only answer can be: not one of her troops. So the fact that they start to hesitate at the words of a known traitor that very second… clashes.

Then Phasma excecutes them all out of precaution. Thát is like her. She does the same thing in both the novel and comic, making sure no loose threads are left. Awesome! And then she loses her hand. Are you even kidding? Does she have to be a punch back for jokes about everything? I'm surprised she didn't die screaming: "I hate sand!"

But she gives a surprised grunt and then bites it back immediately, continuing the fight. Again: awesome. She's been beaten to a pulp before, a loss of limb shouldn't faze her.

And is then blown backward once more. Lets just say I like parts of it. At least I'm glad we got to see it!

Yep, I saw it. Do you think it was better than the actual ending they gave her? Honestly, I really don't, mostly because Finn's lines aren't as emphasized in this take (although that "rebel scum" line is cringey enough). Maybe Rian Johnson was like, "We need someone to lose a hand in this one, sooooo…Phasma!"

If it's her actual death, I prefer this cut. But the original leaves a little more room for her to return. Because when it comes to Phasma being gone, I'm still a little:

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Uh, I think you'll need to fix the link. It won't show on my phone.

T'is just a GIF of Kate Beckett narrowing her eyes. I'm still a little skeptical when it comes to Phasma's "death".

I'm still skeptical over the entire "Last Jedi." I should have seen it coming when two directors are working on different movies over the same saga.
It's like this:
JJ: Here's my fanfiction!
Rian: Your fanfiction sucks–here, let me fix it for you!
JJ on ep 9: You've ruined everything! Now I have to bring them all back to life and start over!

I'm still skeptical over the entire "Last Jedi." I should have seen it coming when two directors are working on different movies over the same saga.
It's like this:
JJ: Here's my fanfiction!
Rian: Your fanfiction sucks–here, let me fix it for you!
JJ on ep 9: You've ruined everything! Now I have to bring them all back to life and start over!

It's not that strange for an ongoing franchise to be directed by different people. Plus, they have the story group. They probably make more changes to a script than any of us realize.
I do agree Rian may have had very different ideas from JJ, but I assume they've communicated with eachother about possible plot points. I am glad JJ is back for Epi 9, though.

Once it's over, what then? More saga movies, or more spin-off films? Truthfully, this Han Solo movie is the first character-based origin story we'll see from a Star Wars perspective.