Oy!! So, my "admirer" had been very frustrated for putting some of my stories on hold. She wrote a long rant about me and such. I didn't read it, it was too long, but the bits and pieces I did read were just nonsensical. She was mad about me focusing on my Ratchet and Kim Possible crossover story. She also really doesn't like Ratchet, even though she's a huge fan of his voice actor. Then, I got really interested in another game series known as Mass Effect and....after what I've been dealing with, I wrote an...interesting story from that game to deal with my...personal issues. She had been really angry.
Not too long ago, she made a picture of her character ripping into mine in rage for "sufficating my other stories". Someone looking into her DA page to find she had been saying some nasty things towards me in frustation for putting my stories on hiatus, claiming that I've been "drinking the cool-aid" and becoming gimmicky or whatever for working on my other interests instead of my Ultimate Story and such.
I've always known her to be a bit...unhinged even though we both have Autism. There have been some red flags that I have noticed about her that I wish I had taken into consideration, but she really did like my work. But now, she's just demanding because...well...I believe she's obsessed with me. Well, I had enough of her harping on me on my stories, so I blocked her on most of our shared social media. On top of that, I completely nuked my DA account. Apparently, this was a huge wake up call for her because she apologized to me on the only website that I can't block her on, LOTM, for how she had been. I just told her to never pester me about procrastinating ever again.
I'm debating on whether or not to reactivate my DA account because a set number of days, it will be permenantly shut down. I'm glad I don't need one admirer and I'm tired of being harrassed over my decisions. I'm just done with her. Chances are she would continue her cherades and this is the third time that she has apologized to me, but that picture that she tried to have on LOTM and that rewrite of her saying nasty things to me was truly the final straw. I really wish I had taken notice of the red flags sooner.