Galerie de Melazzee
A mixture of my really old art, and my recent art. I am now a 3D artist with games industry experience, but I will leave my old stuff up because it's quite funny to look back on!
6 • 50 K • 18 • 17 fan-arts
Fan-arts mis en avant
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good but… Kaden is strange…
Like Shel, it's a good work but it's not very beautiful.
Hey, nice to see some of your artwork here too I wanna draw Kaden too sometime, with baby Ratchet… so sad what happened to him :S
good job great :oui:
very very very very very very very very 9.9/10
sorry, but I do not like blood. And then I found that there are many …
The style and use of much blood may not be my kind of thing to see in Ratchet fan work, but you got some neat fan pieces here. I really like Creepy Ratchet the best just because the pose is well drawn there and the style looks quite interesting, like something in a horror comic book or art by Rob Zombie. May I ask if his art style was the influence for that picture in particular?
Overall, this is quite good work. Keep drawing Mel!
Very good ! I love "Kaden and Ratchet ver 2" !
=> 9/10
it's good!
and Happy birthday!
Waow… The "Kaden's demise" and the comic are grrat!