Man, how did I miss this? I didn't know you had some art here XD (sorry, I dont usually comment many albums since most here are French)
But yeah, some pretty nice pics here though. It's good to see how ya draw =D
Membre supprimé
|18 oct. 2010 16:01:37
You're really good in doing beautiful background designs. Your Light Show image is one example for displaying background designs like that.
Overall, good work.
Membre supprimé
|21 oct. 2010 19:35:39
désolé je parle mal anglait mais je peut te dire que c'est magnifique
a oui zut et en plus je suis nul en englais
ok good job
So cute !
bien 10
Très bien dessiné! Bravo! ( Je ne dessine pas du tout comme ça ) Allez, 9/10
Man, how did I miss this? I didn't know you had some art here XD (sorry, I dont usually comment many albums since most here are French)
But yeah, some pretty nice pics here though. It's good to see how ya draw =D
You're really good in doing beautiful background designs. Your Light Show image is one example for displaying background designs like that.
Overall, good work.
désolé je parle mal anglait mais je peut te dire que c'est magnifique
The draw arr of good quality. 9.999999999999999999999999/10
Do you know Amaterasu has a child.
Its name is Chibiterasu.:hs: