Ratchet & Clank Future : The Hunt For Clank - Chapitre 2

Planet Tironu & Soloroi

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Auteur : DarkWrld95

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So Qwark can you explain to me why you never told me or anyone else that you were on the lombaxes planet? Says Ratchet Qwark Replies with Ehhh well it was a long story but i just might have crashed on they're planet and they weren't happy because i just might have crashed were some children were playing but no worries no one was harmed but i just dont talk to any lombaxes except for you Ratchet Says Qwark Huh So That explains a lot and how did you steal the ship Says Ratchet I somehow needed to run because they wanted to kill me because they tough i was send by someone to attack they're home Bla Bla Bla but at the end i luckily escaped Says Qwark Oh no whats wrong Qwark says ratchet i forgot my blaster on Planet Tironu Says Qwark What Fine and then where going to get Clank thats it Says Ratchet After 15 minutes of driving they arrive at Planet Tironu So what's you're blaster doing here? Says Ratchet Qwark Qwark? Where did he go Says Ratchet And here i am Says Qwark come on now we need to go while driving ratchet had to land on a nearby Planet called Soloroi because a group of dr nefarious troops where patroling trough the sector and they didn't want to get shot down great now we are stuck here says ratchet well i heard they have a better wrench here on this planet if you just might we could go and grab it whats a wrench doing here Says Ratchet well it was a rare one by a fellow lombax but it was lost here says Qwark well i guess we could i mean we do have to wait anyways so lets go says ratchet as they were walking they encounter a group of nefarious troops ratchet and Qwark fight them off and continue alright the wrench should be up here i can help you get up says Qwark ok send me says ratchet and climbs up and looks trough a lot of crates until he finally finds it here i have it Says ratchet Great now we can go finally says Qwark yeah Clank is waiting on they're way back they encounter even more troops from dr nefarious and they start to attack the whole city after a long battle its all over Ratchet and Qwark Escape ok so what's the coordinates ratchet? Says Qwark well i got info that he's at the Great Clock or something like that idk but i guess we can go and see oh and except a lot of enemy's there since nefarious is there says ratchet no problem i got this ratchet says Qwark after driving for a while ratchet just keeps on wondering if Clank is ok as he's driving aphelion gets hit by some electricity and they crash onto a near by planet Where The Journey Continues in Ratchet & Clank Future : A Crack in Time 

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