Sujet : Ratchet?

Who or what was the prototype of Ratchet? Is that was just a weasel emoji . I wander, what meaning author of Ratchet, when thats idea come to him. Maybe he seem some people with big ears and faster sketch this person or it's only fancy image? This question for author (esli mojno, pishite, hotyabi, na russkoi transkripcii) and for members (pishite kak hotite). Waiting for your version. emoji And, ofcourse, on the right answer. emoji

Membre supprimé

I… don't really understand what you're talking about but I think you're referring to the concept art versions of Ratchet?

Well all I know is that the Insomniacs were originally trying to design a furry alien, with a few different concepts of him until they finally reached his eventual design, though I remember he had no eyebrows in one of his early pictures of his Lombax self XD

I can't really see your point for this thread. It will be locked, but if you have a hidden point, please PM me about it.
Until then. . .locked.