Did any of you guys and ladies tried or skipped playing Quest for Booty?
I pretty much skipped this game and went on to play A Crack in Time instead, but I did had a few reason of why I didn't play Quest For Booty.
1. Bad Wired/Wireless Connection - Since I live in North America, I have to get a copy of Quest for Booty through the PlayStation Network. The problem is that my wireless internet connection is bad, which means the connection on my PS3 doesn't log me online. So, I don't even bother with the PSN and the game at this point.
2. Too much Pirate Theme in the Game - I think the pirate vibe is great and pirates are cool in general, but I thought this game had too much of it to be honest. I know that the game is a continuation to Tools of Destruction and it is a pretty short game (which is fine and all), but I became not interested in the pirate theme things pretty easily in this Ratchet and Clank game.
3. Not Missing Out too Much in Q4B - I spoiled myself through watching online walkthroughs of this game and from what I saw, I thought there wasn't a lot of things that was completely important in this Ratchet game. The only thing that felt important was the last cutscene where Clank was located in (even if we get a recap of the events of TOD and Q4B in ACIT).