Sujet : Sasha and Ratchet's relationship...

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Just recently, I found some interesting old info from the Insomniac website from years ago, around the time before Ratchet: Deadlocked's release… let me copy some of the text emoji

Sasha Phyronyx, the recently appointed mayor of Metropolis, is under increasing pressure to explain the rash of mysterious disappearances across the city. In the last few months several of Metropolis' most heroic and beloved citizens have simply vanished. First Quaternion X, then the Brown Ranger and last week the city's most famous resident, Captain Starshield, disappeared without a trace. Could there be a sinister plot unfolding? Perhaps so. Our own crack team of action news investigators has uncovered shocking allegations and disturbing rumors that suggest Ms. Phyronyx herself may be behind the disappearances. Our completely credible anonymous sources have given us exclusive details and shocking third-hand rumors which suggest Ms. Phyronyx is actually a shape-shifting Zygonian robot vampire who is devouring heroes and hiding their bones in the black hole deep in the Cromquillian nebulae. And so we have to ask ourselves, what do we really know about this 'Sasha Phyronyx?'

Well, Dallas, our research team discovered that until recently Ms. Phyronyx was Captain of the Starship Phoenix. She was only appointed as interim mayor by the Galactic President, her father, when the former Metropolis mayor stepped down amid a sordid scandal involving illicit funds from the amoeboid mafia. If you ask me, though, the appointment was really just a means of distracting attention from the President's own involvement in the scandal.

It's just scandalous, Juanita. Meanwhile command of the Starship Phoenix was turned over to a former Q-Force member known only as 'Ratchet.' In making the appointment the President claimed he chose Ratchet for his proven skills as a pilot, but an anonymous inside source tells us the President was simply trying to keep Ratchet away from his daughter until he could set her up with Captain Starshield. And in a move that casts further suspicion on the president's judgement, a diminutive robot named 'Clank' was appointed as first officer of the Phoenix and the equally suspicious sounding 'Big Al' is the new chief engineer. This reporter smells something fishy here. Oh, wait, never mind. It's fish sticks day in the cafeteria!

Just stick to the script, you moron.

But wait, there's more!

That's right, folks, it's time to ridicule the personal lives of people more famous and popular than us! It's just good to know we're making a difference, Juanita.

Shut up, Dallas, this is my bit. *ahem* Celebrity couple Sasha and Ratchet, or 'Satchet' as we like to call them, are reportedly no longer speaking to each other. Friends of the couple say that diverging career paths forced the two to spend long hours apart. Others have speculated that Sasha simply hated the name 'Satchet.' The couple has not spoken to each other in several weeks, following a heated argument in which Ratchet admitted to voting against Sasha's father in last year's election. Tune in tomorrow when we bring you candid photos of Ratchet looking like a poor broken hearted sap!

And that's all for those two, but there is lots more funny info I read about Courtney Gears and stuff, which you can try to read here (but sometimes it wont work for some people)

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Was this ever mentioned during the gameplay of Ratchet Deadlock? Because I've could of sworn that I've heard this kind of info somewhere before. Whether it was online on a site or when my cousin was playing this game.

But yeah, it seems that Ratchet and Sasha won't be together anymore due to the whole "Satchet" fiasco being mention too much, even if I find Ratchet and Sasha to be a charming pairing. Not sure why though… but I guess it's the color designs on the characters. Usually complementary colours appeal to me that easily. emoji

Ratchet (yellow) + Sasha (purple) = Complementary Love :P

Ah, I remember reading this on Insomniac's site. Didn't make any sense to me back then, since Ratchet and Sasha acted all fluffy with each other at the beginning of Deadlocked. Then again, it is Dallas and Juanita reporting, so you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. emoji

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Well I think it's all pretty funny so yeah, just wanted to point it out again :P since I remember hearing of it on sites, but I always thought it was just fanfiction XD until finding that it was at Insomniacs site years ago.

But it is a pretty good explaination coming from those two psycho's, lol voting for another President instead XD but the President really must have been smoking something funny if he really wanted to wed Sasha to Starshield instead emoji

But yeah, Juanita and Dallas crack me up!

Actually, Ratchet and Sasha weren't really that 'romantic' at the start of DL, unlike in R&C3 :P so I actually think some of the things here are true, Juanita and Dallas don't 'always' lie XD but the thing about Sasha being a zombie vampire is obviously rubbish emoji

I remember those updates too, they were very funny but gave more info on characters like Hydrogirl and Starshield, and that Thyrulian galaxy too. oh and Tara, did you see the part whee Dallas says something about Juanita putting over 80 photos of herself in Ace Hardlights locker, all with the text saying "call me, I'm desperate!" emoji emoji emoji

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Yeah, that's the point I was trying to make, since there was never any other official explanation as to why the pair drifted apart. Even Ratchet doesn't seem that faithful in the actual game, going on about "The Baaaabes!" and his reaction to Hydrogirl's invitation at the end.

It's a shame though, since I sorta liked the pairing but I don't think Ratchet is ready for a permanent relationship yet anyway.

Oh yes, I saw the quote from Dallas saying "Yes we get the point Juanita. Like how Ace Hardlight has those 72 photos of you all over his locker, all with the words 'Call me, I'm desperate!'" Found that hilarious emoji (at first I thought Ace put them there, but it makes more sense if Juanita did, since she's the psycho fangirl who wants his attention, Ace is more sane than that XD)

Yeah I like those news reports, they are funny to read! Oh yeah did you also see that part about then Quantum Demoluculizer? I remember you were trying to find out were it was ever mentioned in the series.

I still remember those updates! they were funny, well it is Juanita and Dallas afterall XD the President must be on crack if he wanted Starshield and Sasha to get married! well the President did dislike Ratchet being with Sasha for some reason…….

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Yeah I like those news reports, they are funny to read! Oh yeah did you also see that part about then Quantum Demoluculizer? I remember you were trying to find out were it was ever mentioned in the series.

Oh yes I did, I was wondering for ages if that was fanfiction or not, but I finally noticed that it was mentioned in one of those news reports emoji (as well as that funny thing about Juanita putting 72 photos of herself all over Ace's locker. Darn! I should have used that in my story! XD)

This is it! IT! The big I-T! The most explosive, destructive, mind-splitting, galaxy-shattering event in the history of holovised combat sports! Captain Starshield is just moments away from an epic showdown with the undefeated, unrivaled, and unscrupulous Exterminator grand champion, Ace Hardlight! I can't wait any longer! My heart is racing like a seven-legged sand shark! Feel it Juanita! Feel it beat! No? Fine, I'll feel yours. OWWWWWW! Say, is that a new brand of mace? It's kind of minty.

DreadZone fans, the moment you've been waiting for is here at last. In a mere two weeks, Captain Starshield has obliterated every DreadZone record ever set. He has proved so unstoppable that even the Exterminators themselves are refusing to fight him. All except for Ace Hardlight, of course. The brave, handsome, sweet, virile, hunky Ace Hardlight. Oooh, just saying his name gives me shivers of joy.

We get the picture, Juanita. Just like Ace Hardlight got the 72 pictures of you taped to his locker all saying 'Call me, I'm desperate.'

Laugh it up, Dallas. I put poison in your coffee.

Really? I thought it was just the new coconut-mango blend. (sluuurp) No, you're right, that's poison. *THUD*

Stay tuned for the answers to the most burning questions in the galaxy! Will Captain Starshield finally meet his match against the fearless Ace Hardlight? Will Ace use the illegal one-shot-kill Quantum-Demoleculizer I snuck into his locker? Will Dallas get his stomach pumped before he dies an excruciatingly painful death? Only time will tell!

This makes me laugh emoji VIRILE!

I dont mean to sound stupid but… what does vivirle mean anyway emoji but those news articles are funny, indeed!

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I dont mean to sound stupid but… what does vivirle mean anyway emoji but those news articles are funny, indeed!

I'm sure you can find the definition through Google. We wouldn't mind telling you, but the definition might not be for everyone here in RG, if you know what I mean. emoji

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Umm I don't think I should paste the meaning here, but yeah, just look it up on or something, it'll explain there emoji (it has 2 meanings, kinda obvious which one Juanita was referring to as well XD)

Oh yes, I saw the quote from Dallas saying "Yes we get the point Juanita. Like how Ace Hardlight has those 72 photos of you all over his locker, all with the words 'Call me, I'm desperate!'" Found that hilarious emoji (at first I thought Ace put them there, but it makes more sense if Juanita did, since she's the psycho fangirl who wants his attention, Ace is more sane than that XD)

why didnt you add that to your story? It would have been really funny, well the scene was already funny enough I suppose but still! 72 photos of herself on there? and I also just noticed the virile in that sentance she said too……. never noticed that earlier! emoji

I remember these Vox news updates from Insomniacs site years ago too and they were interesting but EEWW WHY WOULD THE PRESIDENT WANT SASHA TO MARRY STARSHIELD? That must be a lie from Juanita and Dallas, but I do think some bits are true, like the things they mentioned about Starshield's heroic past, and Ratchet and Sasha drifting appart (Even though I did sorta like that pairing! but their careers are so different so I can understand why it didnt work o.O )

I hope that Sahsa will return to Ratchet, and they'll be together, again. I'm pretty sure of it.