Thought a main topic for this site would be useful!
So… what do you guys think of this place? Are you a member or lurker? I was actually a member WAY back in 2003, but I left in 2008 because I was becoming increasingly bored of the site. I admit I still dont like the site too much, because it is more of a popularity contest in most areas… but the main reason I returned is because I just miss my friends there, and I miss giving them comments too.
And so, I rejoined.
How many of you here are members?
Me: Lurking-Leanne
Rai9867: Lady-Anabel-Sagwa
CuteSigma0426AFan: BlueFireVixon
RevanAC: RevanAC
Mercus Wrenchet: KingdomHeartsKeeper
SukiGotan: sukigotan
Black-Ka1223: jstar1223
RatchetLombax: Ratchetlombax75
Aphelion: McProbius
TipsyMcBee: TipsyMcBoozerton
SweetT: SweetTeaholic
insomni-act firemario4real
Ice Lombax stormtrooper95
PipoTachyon TechnezthaTronBlue
WereScaler scaleraegis
Melazzee gashu-monsata
RatchetGamer LombaxFan
funnyperson173 funnyperson173
CanadianLombax canadianlombax
Kiwilombax15 Kiwilombax15
Smega smega39
(if you want me to add your username to this list, just post a message on the thread!)