Sujet : should i get this game

so I love ratchet and clank and I know this is a spin off but should I get this game anyway. since it's a spin off I don't think I'll like it as much as the other games.

the game is not so bad a bit laggy and a few other flaws in there but it's not bad.

is it better for the ps2 or the psp.

I got mine as a PSP cause I didn't know there was a PS2 version of that game at the time but as far as I know PSP version is better

Do you get to play as ratchet a hole lot in the game or just a couple parts of the game.

you only get to play as ratchet and qwark at some points but you can play the parts again more then once anytime you want to emoji

alright last question can you level up your weapons on sac.

sweeeeeeeet thanks a bunch

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I also recommend you get the PSP version, because the PS2 version isn't too good and has VERY LONG loading times! I only got the PS2 version because I didn't have a PSP.

But as for the game itself, it's still pretty fun at some points but not really as good as the other R&C games, but I like it more than Size Matters emoji

well im probly gonna get the ps2 version bcause my psp broke

if you like sly cooper or metal gear solid you'll probably like this game but suit yourself

I got him for PS2, I play it in my PS3, but there is a part that doesnt work.

emoji I got it for psp and its very good, i wouldnt call it a spin off.