Sujet : Swears in the Ratchet and Clank Series

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Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 2: Friends with Benefits (uncensored version)
"You know I was this close to breaking my ass out of here?"

Ehh? Where is that from? I've never heard of it… o.O

As for the others, they're funny heh and it was funny to hear Ratchet say crap a lot in the comics emoji

It actually was added as a later improvement for later versions of the second issue. This, along with the "TJ Fixman" spelling error with "TJ Fixmax", were improved and fixed in the later versions of the second issue. I wonder if that Cronk and Zephry typo error was fixed now that I think about it, than again, that was pretty big typo so I'm not sure if TJ had time to improve upon that mistake.

Oh, and Ratchetruler, yes, well, for sucks, it really depends of if your using it as a curse or not, which Clank obviously jokingly was in Secret Agent Clank.

EDIT: By the way, Malzzzy, also change the uncensored versions to later versions so as not to confuse people.

Getting back to topic, I just remembered another one..

Ratchet - Tools of Destruction
"We are so screwed." emoji

How about this one from Quest for Booty - Ratchet's reaction to seeing the BS-33 Omegatron defence station (which appears with a rather underwhelming *ping*):

"Well, at least we know what the BS stands for!"

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How about this one from Quest for Booty - Ratchet's reaction to seeing the BS-33 Omegatron defence station (which appears with a rather underwhelming *ping*):

"Well, at least we know what the BS stands for!"

emoji I don't think I heard that one yet, but that's hilarious. I may've heard it once, but I can't really remember. Anyway, that would be perfect. Too bad he didn't say the full word. emoji

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I yeah I remember the BS One, it made me laugh! emoji my little bro was like "What the heck is he on about?" emoji

Yeah guys, I think this thread is getting a little off topic. I'll include the lesser curses such as "dammit" and such, but do "bloody" and "screwed" really count? I'll still include it, but just keep that in mind. Thanks for all the contributions everyone! Oh, and btw; Quark says: "You son of a-" just verifying emoji

Captain Qwark - Ratchet and Clank 1
*Ship cannons are destroyed by Ratchet and Clank* "Why, you son of a-"

The Thug Leader - Going Commando
*Angela/Thief hangs up* "Ah, dammit! (dangit in some versions)"

Angela Cross - Going Commando
"All right, what the *HONK* is going on here?!

Secret Agent Clank Director - Up Your Arsenal
"Alright Clank! Kick some-" *speaker screeches*

Klunk - Up Your Arsenal
"What a load of bullsh- *Ratchet elbows him*

Ratchet - Up Your Arsenal
Captain Quark: "Stand down soldier. This is your Captain speaking."
Ratchet: "Captain my a-" *interupted by fighting with Quark*

Galactic Ranger - Up Your Arsenal
"Go give those scum-sacs a whooping!"

Ratchet - Deadlocked
"…me outta this thing you Blarg-headed Frakmonkey. I can barely breathe and my tail feels like it's shoved right up my-" *Al disables his speech in the suit*

Vox - Deadlocked
"It's time to blow *BEEP* up!"

Vox - Deadlocked
"He's a pompous *BEEP* with a charisma of blargian gnat-cheese!!!"

Clank - Secret Agent Clank
*Jokes about Klunk being vacuum* "Looks like it sucks to be him."

Captain Qwark - Tools of Destruction
"You killed his parents, you burned down his home, well, you actually didn't do any of that stuff, but he's pissed off anyway."

Helpdesk - Tools of Destruction
"The Alpha Disruptor is guaranteed to deliver a galactic can of whoopass."

Space Pirate - Tools of Destruction
"Watch where your swinging that thing! Almost cut me bloody head off!"

Ratchet - Tools of Destruction
"We are so screwed."

Emperor Tachyon - Tools of Destruction
*Bangs ship against wall* "Son of a -"

Ratchet - Quest For Booty
*Trap door opens up in front of Fulcrum Star* "Aw *beep*…"

Ratchet - Quest For Booty
*See's the BS-33 Space Defence Station* "Well, at least we know what the BS stands for!"

Captain Slag - Crack In Time
"I'm just a BLOODY head on a BLOODY stick!"

Nefarious Trooper - Crack In Time
*Ratchet brings out RYNO* "HOLY CRAP! Abort! Abort!"

Dr. Nefarious - All 4 One
"Time to kick some squishy ass!"

In the Comic: (only in the later versions)

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 1: Ears of War
*Skyburst 8000 malfunctions* "Ah, crap."

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 2: Friends with Benefits
"You know I was this close to breaking my ass out of here?"

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 4: Thanks for the Armories
*Door shuts behind Ratchet* "Oh, crap."

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 5: Multiple Organisms
"Holy crap, I didn't know what this was and almost used it to make pancakes last summer."

Sorry I took so long to update the list, I didn't think so many people would respond! emoji

hold on? Dammnit is worse than Bloody? Wow now that is wierd? Here Bloody is one of the worst swears! I would never say it. Then Dammnit is worse? Well its so very common here that you could say it around anyone and no one would care a bit. But i didnt know Bloody was a 'minor swear' lol. Sorry off topic a bit again emoji

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Actually, I believe "bloody" is a horrible swear in england, but around here it's a lesser swear I think, but still a swear, so it most certainly does count. However, dammit should definetely be on the list. Remember Ratchet and Clank's rating is T for teen, so we can't expect them to say f*ck or anything extreme like that, only swears that go as high as Uncharted, so even the lesser swears should count. I'm not very sure about "screwed". And, yeah, I didn't realize the bitch was cut off by a bleep noise in the first Ratchet and Clank. Also, only they say "You know I was this close to breaking my ass out of here?" in the later versions, all the others were already included in. Also, Ratchet actually said "Aw, crap." in some versions. Anyway, let's get back to topic here, guys. I'll continue with some others sooon.

Eh, well bloody isn't that bad in America, and don't the pirates say that very often?

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Eh, well bloody isn't that bad in America, and don't the pirates say that very often?

The pirates do have an england accent. Once again, though, either way it still overall counts because it is a swear in both places.

Edit: I'm back. Sorry for the second post. I hope they fix that problem and I hope one day they make it so you can delete your own posts like on the Insomniac Games website. Well, going back to where I left of, I was going to add some ones from Deadlocked, which had a lot of swears actually:

Dallas - Deadlocked
"Well, I'll be damned, that's hot!

Reactor - Deadlocked
"Damn, how do you like me now?"

Juanita - Deadlocked
"Kick his furry ass!"

Replay cutscene title - Deadlocked
Ace toys suck!

Well, those are just a few for now. LOL Juanita.

Juanita - Deadlocked
"Kick his furry ass!"

where did juanita say that because i played the game 6 times and i didnt hear it plz tell me!!

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Juanita - Deadlocked
"Kick his furry ass!"

where did juanita say that because i played the game 6 times and i didnt hear it plz tell me!!

Of course. As all the other quotes from the hilarious Dallas and Juanita, it can be heard at any time in the game during a mission level or boss fight. It's not a very rare one and it can be heard often when Ratchet gets attacked.

Juanita - Deadlocked
"Kick his furry ass!"

where did juanita say that because i played the game 6 times and i didnt hear it plz tell me!!

Of course. As all the other quotes from the hilarious Dallas and Juanita, it can be heard at any time in the game during a mission level or boss fight. It's not a very rare one and it can be heard often when Ratchet gets attacked.

oh thanx because i have the european version(ratchet gladiator) is it diffrent??

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I've never heard that one…. o_O

But I remember Dallas saying something to Juanita about "Virgin Bloody Mary" but it's a rare quote he only says once on planet Stygia I think >.< been a while since I played it but I do know he says that, for sure XD

And arent some of the swears you mention are a bit… weak? I mean, suck? That's not a swear, at all. Yeah, sure it can be used in a vulgar way but it's not a swear.

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I wouldn't really count suck as a swear. More like a harsh word, depending on how you say it.

Captain Qwark - Ratchet and Clank 1
*Ship cannons are destroyed by Ratchet and Clank* "Why, you son of a-"

The Thug Leader - Going Commando
*Angela/Thief hangs up* "Ah, dammit! (dangit in some versions)"

Angela Cross - Going Commando
"All right, what the *HONK* is going on here?!

Secret Agent Clank Director - Up Your Arsenal
"Alright Clank! Kick some-" *speaker screeches*

Klunk - Up Your Arsenal
"What a load of bullsh- *Ratchet elbows him*

Ratchet - Up Your Arsenal
Captain Quark: "Stand down soldier. This is your Captain speaking."
Ratchet: "Captain my a-" *interupted by fighting with Quark*

Galactic Ranger - Up Your Arsenal
"Go give those scum-sacs a whooping!"

Ratchet - Deadlocked
"…me outta this thing you Blarg-headed Frakmonkey. I can barely breathe and my tail feels like it's shoved right up my-" *Al disables his speech in the suit*

Vox - Deadlocked
"It's time to blow *BEEP* up!"

Vox - Deadlocked
"He's a pompous *BEEP* with a charisma of blargian gnat-cheese!!!"

Dallas - Deadlocked
"Well, I'll be damned, that's hot!

Reactor - Deadlocked
"Damn, how do you like me now?"

Juanita - Deadlocked
"Kick his furry ass!"

Clank - Secret Agent Clank
*Jokes about Klunk being vacuum* "Looks like it sucks to be him."

Captain Qwark - Tools of Destruction
"You killed his parents, you burned down his home, well, you actually didn't do any of that stuff, but he's pissed off anyway."

Helpdesk - Tools of Destruction
"The Alpha Disruptor is guaranteed to deliver a galactic can of whoopass."

Space Pirate - Tools of Destruction
"Watch where your swinging that thing! Almost cut me bloody head off!"

Ratchet - Tools of Destruction
"We are so screwed."

Emperor Tachyon - Tools of Destruction
*Bangs ship against wall* "Son of a -"

Ratchet - Quest For Booty
*Trap door opens up in front of Fulcrum Star* "Aw *beep*…"

Ratchet - Quest For Booty
*See's the BS-33 Space Defence Station* "Well, at least we know what the BS stands for!"

Captain Slag - Crack In Time
"I'm just a BLOODY head on a BLOODY stick!"

Nefarious Trooper - Crack In Time
*Ratchet brings out RYNO* "HOLY CRAP! Abort! Abort!"

Dr. Nefarious - All 4 One
"Time to kick some squishy ass!"

In the Comic: (only in the later versions)

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 1: Ears of War
*Skyburst 8000 malfunctions* "Ah, crap."

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 2: Friends with Benefits
"You know I was this close to breaking my ass out of here?"

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 4: Thanks for the Armories
*Door shuts behind Ratchet* "Oh, crap."

Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank: Issue 5: Multiple Organisms
"Holy crap, I didn't know what this was and almost used it to make pancakes last summer."