Sujet : What Games do you Like other than Ratchet and Clank?

I think the thing that annoys most members here about this franchise in particular is there are too many people that only plays and talks about this game. Plus, any comments like "If you don't play COD games, you are NOT a real gamer" or "COD makes me a true gamer" just makes people think you are some ignorant b*****d.

oh dear lord I hate when people do that but what also annoys me is whenever people play COD or MW they say out loud about 'I'm gonna nuke ya!' or crap like that is really annoying it gets old really fast.

Uhh…that is quite annoying. I had quite a couple kids ask me on our team asking if a 'holographic' is real and the like, and it gets REALLY annoying when all the gun knowledge they have is based on a game.

Once, during a airsoft meet however, a teammate shouted "TACTICAL NUKE" while we were pinned down, full of lolz. Even though we frown upon people bringing up video games during play, it's still quite funny at times.

Mostly i play RPG's and MMORPG's like Lord of The Rings Online, The Elder Scrolls 4.
And also some shooter game but nothing even close to CoD, Just Cause 2 (Hispanic hero with the grapple hook rules! emoji ) Aaand one particilar kind of puzzle game, Sam and Max , those guys are just irrestitable!

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well, i think it's annoying when you are playing an online game like Cod and people start getting angry because they die emoji

im glad that i don't take the game that serious emoji

well, i think it's annoying when you are playing an online game like Cod and people start getting angry because they die emoji

im glad that i don't take the game that serious emoji

me and my friend sometimes do that but only if someone is cheating or hax there weapons to unfair advantages. but not that much. i have games that some pelople are familure with. i play theses games cause i think that theses are good or that i like the list come up to sonic,mario,star fox,metroid,megaman and a few more others.(cause i mainly have a wii.)

For me I like to play mario, star fox, super smash bros., sly cooper, heavenly sword, little big planet, yes I also like to play COD and the list goes on and on


i like to play basically any combat game that isnt like, an arena fight. I also love any racing game.

I like to play pokemon, sonic, mario, super smash bros., okami, klonoa, sly, jak and daxter, final fantasy 9 and ape escape. There is more but the list is too long ^^

Games other than Ratchet and Clank, I'm a big fan of Valve titles, thought the only ones I really ever got a chance to play is Half-Life2 (still need to beat), and Portal (my fav game by them). Team Fortress2 for whatever reason won't play on my PC, so I wasn't able to touch that one.

Another series which I love to death (more so a game than it is the series but this one really got to me) is Mass Effect. Anyone who is a big sci-fi junkie like me should get around to playing the games (or at least ME2, which is better in so many ways than the first). They're seriously epic in so many ways. Gameplay, story, characters, there's such so much I love about this title. Besides for Ratchet and Clank, these are one of those games where I have a strong bond with.

Another titles I enjoy playing are Mario, pokemon (haven't played the games in a good while), Epic Mickey, and lot of RPGs, either Japanese (a lot of non mainstream ones) or Western (Mass Effect, really interested in Fallout).

Another series which I love to death (more so a game than it is the series but this one really got to me) is Mass Effect. Anyone who is a big sci-fi junkie like me should get around to playing the games (or at least ME2, which is better in so many ways than the first). They're seriously epic in so many ways. Gameplay, story, characters, there's such so much I love about this title. Besides for Ratchet and Clank, these are one of those games where I have a strong bond with.

I couldn't agree more! I don't usually play RPGs, but I really got on with Mass Effect. I've had the "Mass Effect munchies" lately, really had the urge to play through them again, so I might do that soon.

As for other games, I'm quite fond of Half Life as well, been waiting for Ep 3 for yonks! Looking forward to Portal 2 as well.

I quit like platform games, I really enjoyed New Super Mario Bros. but I've not played a 3D mario game since Mario 64. And obviously Ratchet and Clank emoji

I quite like shooters, but not ones like Call Of Duty, more the "Stealth-Em-Ups" Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid etc.

And I like to get my head around puzzle games as well. I quite like the CSI games for that (but then, I'm a forensics student, so I find that really interesting anyway (no matter how inaccurate it is, lol))

as a kid
Crash Bandicoot
Brave Fencer Musashi
Resident Evil (watching my Older Bro or sisiter play it)
Tomb Raider

the GTA series and Bully (canis canem edit)
Valve Games (Half-Life and Portal)
Call of Duty series
Assassins Creed

my favorite games are:Resistance 1 and 2,star wars battlefront 1 and 2,star wars republic commando and halo. THE BEST GAMES OF ALL TIME!!

i couldnt be stuffed editing… So i sorted through them & did some bain thinking to find as many as i could remember! emoji
age about 5-7
watched games on PC such as:
007 type game
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
School Tycoon
Acrade games such as Pac-Man & the aroow that races or shoots games! (mikes arcade)
age 7-11
played in order (PC)!
Mikes Arcade
Brave Dwarves DEMO
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
School Tycoon
Midtown Madness (2 i belive) DEMO
Impossible Creatures DEMO (One of the greatest PC games in existance! & it was a DEMO!)
Rayman The Great Escape
age 11-13
the PS2 introduced!
Rayman 3 hodlum Havoc
R&C games (3,2,1,4,5 i belive)
INTRODUCING!!! THE PS3! (& PSP) Oh how fun!
R&C games (SM through too ACiT)
gets 100% in all R&C games
Resistance Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Little Big Planet
Jak & Daxter: The lost Fronteer
Jak & Daxter: The Prcurser Legacy
Little Big Planet 2… & that is everything!

This list took me longer than the original message! Belevie it or not… I usually want to do lists because i cant usually skrew 'em up soo bad emoji

Some of the games that I like other than R&C are:

Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Grand Theft Auto IV
Resistance: Fall of Man

TBH i couldnt remember what games i played that well :P so i wrote out a long history of the stuff i'd done (in my gaming life) i found it interesting! When i read it! Wasnt gonna post the whole thing of course i was gonna sort it out! But i didnt have time emoji (i write fast & sort slower than too write!).

You should have seen what i tried to do with my sig!!! emoji

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Before Ratchet & Clank i was young and hated Games… But i kind of went through likeing & hating games alot! When i was likeing i watched my older brother play games like 007 & Dues Ex type games… Then one day! I was erged to try play! And my first games… Were… Pacman & some random shooting arrow game! Those two are apart of a bunch of old arcade type games called Mikes Arcade! Two other games were called Midtown Madness… DEMO! & Rollercoaster Tycoon 2! Then one day i started playing the most futuristic game i thought id ever see! The… Sims! Compared to the other games i'd played this was one hell of a game! But i grew tired of it… And my younger brother got into playing games at school & showed me a cooler new game! Rayman! (remember i WAS NOT INTO GAMES and all these games i had played were spread throught years & years) Rayman the great escape. I eventually got sick of it & went back to Roller coaster Tycoon 2. & School Tycoon (demo) that i forgot to mention… But just when i ws getting tired of it and swore i'd never sink low enoth to touch the keyboad again… It came!.. The game that changed my life forever! Impossible Creatures! (Demo) I finneshed a whole campaighn! (the first time ever!) and it was soo fun! I became *gulp* ATTACHED! And then we got a new windows XP!! The latest & best computer i had every seen! I slowly released myself from it in time & got rather tired of games… So i went off them for like half a year… Then this new little device made its way into my life! On a magical day that my mum felt like breaking us kids off the horrible lock we had been set to OLD things & demos from netguide disks! And hired out what all the normal kids were playing. So she activated this magical machene that plugged into our TV! The Playstation 2! Apparently all kids had been using them for years! While i was playing Pac-man… But i took a look at the controller & flicked my had away! I thought it was crazy! & I would never sink soo low! But i watchet my brother play Rayman & Ratchet & Clank 3… I laughed & said "NO THANKS!.. Wait Rayman? Really? the third! Oh it looks fun!.. I suppose i could try…" and BOOM! I loved it! But Ratchet however! Hah ha ha ha!!! Ratchet what a gay name! OMG and his little ROBOT! OMG how dumb! Clank! Ges! Oh and look he has a stupid wrench to kill little aliens! And soo many stupid movies! I want a game not a movie! Then i noticed! (i was only watching my brother play it!) My brother sucks! Step aside i'm gonna show you what Rayman has tought me! OMG! I'm getting far… (got to the Phenox) And the rest is history! (i dont want to bore you with my more detailed memories). After Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time i hard of Insomniacs other creation! (i took interest in the company just before PLAYING Tools of Destruction) Resistance. Hmmm… Not interested! Then against my orders my caring mother who wanted me to get the best all the time hired Resistance Fall of Man & Resistance 2! I played them for her… For me, and it was BORING! I want to get to Resistance 2! But i gotta finnish Fall of Man! Oh wait… Im getting into it! And eventually we brought Resistance 2! Then my younger brother one day got out Jak X! I hated it! And still do! I dont like racing games (with some aceptions) then i joind another world!.. THE PLAYSTATION NETWORK!! And every corner i tuned led too LittleBig Planet! Everyone was playing it! I had haed of it… And wasnt intrested! But one day i said "NO Im gonna get myself a game for once!!!!" and got out LBP! And loved it to peices! But would be my number 2 game! For nothing would ever get in the way of Ratchet & Clank! Then recently i got out Jak & Daxter The Precurser Legacy! And oh what a game!!! So Not long ago at all i got Jak & Daxter The Lost Fronteer! My favourate PSP game! Before Size Matters & Secret Agent Clank! But not before the PS2 & PS3 R&C games! And today i stick by Ratchet & Clank! But J&D can come second closely alongside LittleBig Planet 2! And now you know everything bout me!.. I felt like it! Plus thats everything i'd played! IN MY LIFE!

Sweet Buttery Monkeys! That is hard to read. emoji

Next time, try to work on your sentence structure and paragraphs before you post a long message like this. Hate to sound blunt here but if you're planning to type a long story like this in the future, nobody is going to read it. I know no one is perfect in this world, but at least make the post edible to read through.