Messages : 171
If you want realistic games so much, then this isn't the place for you. Unless you're here to troll, just calm down and enjoy yourself. Just because a game doesn't have a multitude of blood, guts, guns and grittyness, it doesn't make it any worse. I mean, for alot of people, if they wanted that stuff, all they have to do is walk outside!
For alot of people, games that aren't realistic are a means of escape from their normal life. Take World of Warcraft for example (I've never actually played this XD). Millions of people in Korea play that all the time, because life in Korea, in general, sucks. Heck, millions of people around the WORLD play that AS their life O.o
That's a pretty extreme example of why people like to play non-realistic games, but that's the gist of it. And some companies prefer to make non-realistic games, because they aren't then bound by reality and have alot more artistic freedom. They don't just have to copy things, they can make stuff up! Which is why I love RaC, it has all these wacky weapons that just wouldn't work in real life :P