Sujet : Who is your favourite video game villan?

What makes a good game? Good gameplay and a good story. The story almost ALWAYS revolves around the villan's evil plans for… *insert plan here*.
Including all villans from Neon Cortex (Crash Bandicoot) to Kessler (inFamous) to Nefarios… And so on.

My allime favourate would be Nefarious! But if your favourate is Nefarious or another poular R&C villan state your second favourate as well… So I pick Kessler! Won't explain why because that would ruin it now wouldn't it? emoji But the fight and his voice were really cool! Oh and I include villans like Qwark from No. 1 or Slag from ToD or say for example Sasha from inFamous… Ya know semi villans, but not sidekicks emoji

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My top favourite villains of all times in a game are Gruntilda (Banjo-Kazooie), Gannondorf (Legend of Zelda) and King K. Rool (Donkey Kong).

Gruntilda is basically the female version of Bowser from the Super Mario games. She doesn't know when to quit. Even if she's all boney or just a head in a jar these days, she still goes after the Bear and Bird.

Even if Gannon/Gannondorf is a jerk, but hey, since when are villains are nice anyways? I just like the unexpected actions this villain does in the Legend of Zelda games. You may never know what Gannon would do to take over Hyrule.

I don't even know why I always prefer King K. Rool over Bowser sometimes… I believe I'm just drawn by the design of this character. Despite having no reason to get revenge of the Kongs (except for taking their bananas), he is quite a threatening villain. Sometimes morbidly creepy once in a while.

I'm sure I have more on the list, but those are my top favourites.


whats not to like? he runs the awesomest HV show ever: Dreadzone, he has a robotic hand, owns dozens of planets, and is famous.

second is Nefarious, hes the main villain of Ratchet and Clank

I quite liked Count Veger in Jak 3, he tries to be beuracratic, but no one likes him, so he cracks a bit and

get's turned into an angry little precursor


So, for similar reasons, I also like Chairman Drek, he's not like Nefarious or anything, he doesn't just attack, he finds an excuse to do these things to justify them as probably legal

Another villain, however, is Dimitri from Sly 2, I just have a soft spot for reptiles…

Yeah, that's my top three villains in a game, and I know the question was which is your ##1, so I'll just go with Dimitri as my "all time favourite villain in a videogame"

I quite liked Count Veger in Jak 3, he tries to be beuracratic, but no one likes him, so he cracks a bit and

get's turned into an angry little precursor


So, for similar reasons, I also like Chairman Drek, he's not like Nefarious or anything, he doesn't just attack, he finds an excuse to do these things to justify them as probably legal

Another villain, however, is Dimitri from Sly 2, I just have a soft spot for reptiles…

Yeah, that's my top three villains in a game, and I know the question was which is your ##1, so I'll just go with Dimitri as my "all time favourite villain in a videogame"

Vegar was an interesting one! He was all against Dark eco and all things evil. Who would've known emoji Back in Jak 1 i'm sure Jak would've teamed up with Vegar emoji But still he's evil enough… Anyone notice you never get to fight him? Wish ya did, he'd really suck emoji

Mine would be Emperor Zizzy Loompa from MDK2

A giant toad that can loose alot of organs and still live!
It's quite like a non-cynical,non-aggresive version of Neffy
That, and the invasion of Earth was for his own amusement, making the evil plot…. Ridicilous

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I don't know, lately I've been taking a liking to the classical villains you find in the mario/ sonic games. *Haters Gonna Hate*
I still love Percy though but I mean, he's only in one game and you know… I played it 80 times through.
XD this message is a failboat. But as I was saying, I still do like the classic villains (Sorry to say, but Smithy from SMRPG is AWESOME)

I have a few fave villans but my top faves is Dingodile and Komodo Joe from Crash Bandicoot I have a thing for reptiles ^^'

Gary Smith from Bully.

My all time favorite villian is, wait for it… EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN DREK! from Ratchet and Clank. He to my opinion is the hardest villian to beat in a RaC game without a RYNO (I like challenges from time to time). Also, he sounds just like Gantu (I think thats how its spelled) from Lilo and Stitch, who is also a villian too. My second is Specter from Ape Escape 1. He is awesome and in AE1 his plan was more developed than in the later games.

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My all time favorite villian is, wait for it… EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN DREK! from Ratchet and Clank. He to my opinion is the hardest villian to beat in a RaC game without a RYNO (I like challenges from time to time). Also, he sounds just like Gantu (I think thats how its spelled) from Lilo and Stitch, who is also a villian too. My second is Specter from Ape Escape 1. He is awesome and in AE1 his plan was more developed than in the later games.

Chairman Drek and Gantu sound so similar because they were voiced by the same actor, which those two were done by Kevin Michael Richardson. emoji

My all time favorite villian is, wait for it… EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN DREK! from Ratchet and Clank. He to my opinion is the hardest villian to beat in a RaC game without a RYNO (I like challenges from time to time). Also, he sounds just like Gantu (I think thats how its spelled) from Lilo and Stitch, who is also a villian too. My second is Specter from Ape Escape 1. He is awesome and in AE1 his plan was more developed than in the later games.

Chairman Drek and Gantu sound so similar because they were voiced by the same actor, which those two were done by Kevin Michael Richardson. emoji

Reminds me of the fact the Dallas is done by the same voice actor as Timmys dad off of The Fairly Odd Parents, use to watch that but I grew sick of it, still a pretty cool fact emoji

Back on topic I just remembered how epic Vox is! (after having played the game another three times today and yesterday)

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Reminds me of the fact the Dallas is done by the same voice actor as Timmys dad off of The Fairly Odd Parents, use to watch that but I grew sick of it, still a pretty cool fact emoji

Interesting fact there. I kinda knew the voice actor for Dallas sounded quite familiar, but I didn't know he did the same voice as Timmy's Dad from Fairly Odd Parents.

Reminds me of the fact the Dallas is done by the same voice actor as Timmys dad off of The Fairly Odd Parents, use to watch that but I grew sick of it, still a pretty cool fact emoji

Interesting fact there. I kinda knew the voice actor for Dallas sounded quite familiar, but I didn't know he did the same voice as Timmy's Dad from Fairly Odd Parents.

Hehe just compare the screams emoji

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