Sujet : the funniest thing you've ever seen..

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Jim Henson's Puppet Up Uncensored
(Contains bad language and themes not suitable for everyone)

It's basically comedy improve like Whose Line but with puppets as the performers.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (low quality)
Part 5
Part 6

I haven't seen this in 2-3 years now and it still holds up today. emoji

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Ultimate Dog Tease

Whoever voiced that dog sure made me giggle like a little school girl. emoji

the funnest thing i have saw was my MW2 kill cams.

a nuke was called in and i found a guy, i shot and killed him with my M16a4 and well i got the game winning kill, on the nuke timer it was 0.01 seconds. also i had randomly threw a throwing knife on wasteland and it hit and killed a guy in the crouch.

This isn't exactly the funniest thing ever, but it's pretty amusing:
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This isn't exactly the funniest thing ever, but it's pretty amusing:
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emoji So that's how they went extinct…

This is more surprising than funny, but it amused my cousin who is a fan of Dragonball.

"Meet the Pyro" (Recent trailer for VALVe's "Team Fortress 2"emoji comes pretty close to the funniest thing, but what's even better is this true story a friend told me:

Years ago, he was playing an old MMORPG, the servers of which are long since shut down, but one thing that made this MMO different from others is that once your character is killed, they delete your character-profile - your character actually "dies", but he'd been playing this game with a friend, and they went into a building, and there was another player jumping up and down on the spot, as you frequently see people do in MMOs for no real reason, and so my friend pulls out an (in game) revolver and shoots this random guy's in the face, just because he was finding the constant jumping annoying… And that was it, the guy had wasted a character profile on jumping up and down! xD

You guys know Xena Warrior Princess right, good! ^^

*Starts taling fast

Well there is this episode where you have Gabrielle who, according to Xena, should put some goats (yeah, my translator says so) on her skin. But Gabrielle misunderstood and ate it. So later on her tong swells. But to warn Xena for enemy's she needs to whisle. But she can't bencause her tung is huge. Than there is this close up with her sitting on the ground saying: ''What else can go wrong?''. It takes some thime before you see her again and… of I can't hold itemoji


I'm sorry, for some reason I thought that was súper funny. Also in the Dutch subs when sometimes they say 'Zena' instead of Xena make m laugh. Geheh, you subtitels.emoji

This is my favorite John Cleese sketch! emoji

Heck yeah! If you haven't seen Monty Python, you should. Just don't eat or drink anything or you might choke. My friend did.

I…don't know. But that doesn't mean I'm always sad(I'm not)!!!!
I've got a sense of humor, but if I have to, I need to be serious.

After all, I know one thing - The life is wonderful and we should be happy of it. Just ''Hakuna Matata", right;P????