Sujet : Ratchet and Clank should not end with A4O

There has been many rumours about whether R+C series is ending. If this is true insomniac games should not end it with all 4 one. They should finish it with a game so badass and so incredible that it makes the other games look like childsplay. If I were to create the final game, here is my suggestion.

There is a villain so great that it makes all villains look like petty crooks, but he doesn't want world domination or money. Just one thing. To destroy ratchet. So he assembles 4 of the most evil villains, we the gamers know from previous games. He is very magical so he resurrects drek, rescues tachyon and he summons dr nefarious. These 4 evil beings all want to kill ratchet and to wipe him out. Ratchet will need all the help he can get, Angela, talwyn, sasha, al, helga, qwark and many more great characters. Will ratchet succeed in taking out his greatest enemies or will he get what's coming to him.

What do you think, if you have any suggestions please post them, maybe insomniac games will see this.

Hmmm good idea! and i don't think they will stop with all 4 one! because in the end of the game both ratchet and clank said they wanted to be heroes! when in the start of the game they said the should stop saving the galaxy! so Insomniac games would have let them say that they don't wanna continue being heroes in the end of the game too if they wanted to! so they must at least make one more game! And if not….. i'l get wery wery SAD!!!!!emojiemoji

yeah, i guess so, but if they were to end it they should go out with a huge bang, something that makes all previous games look crap, which means incredible graphics, gameplay, music and of course bad ass weapons emojiemoji , yeah it will be sad when its finished, i've been playing it since the first game came out.

I had a feeling the series would end sooner or later true it will be a bit sad when it ends but as the old saying goes "nothing lasts forever" and I'm sure some of the fans who will kill some time by making thier own R&C fictons, fanarts, etc when it does end not to mention they will be other series of other games will keep us going emoji

I also don't think that A4O is the last game. I think another game is coming, but it might take another 2 years because they're busy with Overstrike and that Facebook game.. Which I don't get because Overstrike is for Xbox and a Facebook game doesn't sound like something for IG.. Anyway, the reason why I think A4O isn't the last game is because they told us that Resistance 3 is the last game of the Resistance games. If they wanted A4O to be the last game then they also would have said so along with the news about Resistance. So I think we can expect a new game. At least that's what I'm really hoping for..

The Ratchet and Clank team started up another IG studio in North Carolina. They wouldn't spend all that time and effort to make ONE game. >.<

But if they have something else planned/in the works, I don't mind. We've gotten 10 R&C games in the past. And all good things MUST come to an end. Otherwise, they just turn into money-bags and the company will run out of good ideas, running the series into the ground. Examples: InuYasha, Dragonball (it had a couple good sagas, but after a while…emoji, Bleach, Naruto… Sure, these are anime examples, but video games are no exception. FF will eventually have to end too. Square can't keep making them forever-why do you think they keep making sequel FF's instead of new stories??

i understand what youre saying, im fine with it coming to an end but i think they should make one more game, a huge bang, with incredible graphics, enemies, weapons, music and environments, something that will end the series on a high note and i dont feel A4O filled that spot.

Who said the series is going to end on A4O? No-one. They still got a few plot threads + unanswered Questions brought up in the Future series and even a few things in A4O that I hope are touched on again (ex:

The ending with Nefarious)


If they ended it here, they'll be a lot of angry fans at there door.

I see at least one more series of games along the line of the Future ones, warping up everything needed to be answered and anything else to cover and finish. Also, the games need more time to be worked on as well. CiT felt rushed and I'm sure one of the main reasons why lot of things weren't touched on.

Who said the series is going to end on A4O? No-one. They still got a few plot threads + unanswered Questions brought up in the Future series and even a few things in A4O that I hope are touched on again…

I know! One thing I really want answers about is whatever happened to Max Apogee? It's kinda frustrating that Insomniac haven't followed that plot point up yet…

I know! One thing I really want answers about is whatever happened to Max Apogee? It's kinda frustrating that Insomniac haven't followed that plot point up yet…

not to mention if …

Orvus is still alive or not from the blast since a crack in time

I want to know what happened to him.

The series' tenth anniversary is around the corner so of course they'd have to do some big game or something that answers a lot of questions. Though only time would tell if it would be the very last game.

Story-wise, I bet it'd be something about the rumours that Tachyon might discover a new race that nobody knows about; maybe with a side story about Max Apogee and Angela Cross returning to the universe; and yet another side story about Nefarious turning good…

…but I suppose that would be pretty conclusive.

Also, what if they

killed off the Plumber?
Membre supprimé

Just like Sweet T mentioned before, Insomniac Games never said anything about All 4 One going to be the last game to end the franchise. After all, there are many things in the series that hasn't been unveiled yet.

I bet Insomniac will prepare a Ratchet game that will please a lot of fans, though that could take years to come.

All 4 One wont be the last game, Insomniac Games are at the perfect point! They have mentioned many times that they are NOT running out of ideas, and yes they are making Facebook games, but thats only a couple of Insomniacs, just more games for us emoji Overstrike will be worked on for quite a while I imagine, as they always make awesome and huge series, as well as Resistance JS said Resistance 3 is not the last game, kinda sucks because Resistance 3 would have been the best way to end it, but still they have two studios, so I have no doubt there will be a new Ratchet & Clank game.

If they were to make one huge final game (which I doubt) they wont bring back the villans "The past is old and yucky" as Qwark's agent once said emoji However If I could see anyone returning I'd say it will be Zogg and/or Tachyon. The two are alive, and Tachyon is considered the second main villan in the series, I could see these two fighting over the Galaxy, and Slag and Pete returning, maybe not for a villan role… But they could go Jak 3 style and have Zogg, Tachyon, and Slag fighting over the galaxy. For the ally side I could see Cronk, Zephyr, Talwyn, and Qwark comming back, and then have an ending simmilar to R&C3 where everyone would be there. That would be the way to end the series.

But Ratchet & Clank won't end any time soon Insomniac have said that they really like the series and that they are not running low on new ideas to keep the series living strong. And now that Ratchet is over trying to retire, Qwark as galactic President and

By the looks of it Nefarious could be back in action

the series looks stronger than ever.

As much as I would love Zogg and Tachyon to come back, I don't want them to be in the final game as villains or a role as a whole. I just can't see them as the last villains they face (or at least for Zogg's case). I want some fresh faces personally.

Also: Good things have to come to an end some day. I'm hoping the series does end at one point, but not yet. (Though didn't IG say they aren't making anymore Res games, but I'm sure there will be more games in the series being the IP belongs to Sony.)

Also: Good things have to come to an end some day. I'm hoping the series does end at one point, but not yet. (Though didn't IG say they aren't making anymore Res games, but I'm sure there will be more games in the series being the IP belongs to Sony.)

Well while I was hovering around thier forums I remember lots of people thinking that Resistance 3 was going to be thier last game when some insomniac came in making some point about how Resistance probably isnt over, I will have to look for it.

Back on topic: This is all like the PS2, there was R&C then R&C2 then R&C3 these all being simmilar, and having great simmilar and evolving Weapons and Gadgets then there is Deadlocked, not the best game out of them, didnt do as well as the others, was the game to do something different. Then there was a large break, and then on the PS3 there are three Future games all simmilar, that remind me of the first three. Then Insomniac decide to go and do something different, and like Deadlocked it didnt sell that well. I hope this pattern continues emoji And more things that make Deadlocked and All 4 One simmilar would be the fact that some people really liked Deadlocked, and thought of it as thier favourate because it was different, and same apply to A4O, as that is my favourate game. And I noticed the similarities between ACiT and R&C: UYA they are the best! They sold the best, and to most people was the best in the series. Oh and they booth had Nefarious as the bad guy emoji