Sujet : Game Titles in Movies

Okay. So, today I was watching the movie "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" and in the scene where Paul goes into the arcade, I noticed an amazing thing. There was a Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction cardboard cutout in the background. So, my question to you is What famous game titles have you seen posters or something from in a movie?

The game Doom was mentioned in the movie Wild Hogs. The small town that the group winds up in, the sherrif's department mention that they learned how to use firing arms by playing hours of Doom, and there is a knock off of Grand Theft Auto in The Simpsons Movie called Grand Theft Penguin. And then there was one of the guitar hero games along with a bunch of other X-Box 360 games in the movie Alvin and the Chipmunks in one scene where Dave comes home and finds the house a mess even though Ian hired them a house keeper. Rock Band was being played in the movie Hop. That's all I can come up with right off the top of my head.

It's an old Nickelodeon film : Zatura I've seen a poster of Jak 3 and the gameplay when you are on the catacombs JAK 3

In the remake of 17 Again, the main character's friend was playing four video games at once and I distinctly remember one of those being Age of Mythology. I was surprised because I thought they game was just about dead since its from 2001.

In a movie (i dont know anything about it anymore but i think it is chinese) you can see a monkey playing Ratchet and clank 1 on Pokitaru emoji