Sujet : Who or what do you think is annoying?

Rap isn't that bad though, depends who does it. I don't really listen to JB, but I find he isn't very good from what I do hear.

The first time I heard it, I was on holiday in France. I thought it was a girl from X-factor or something like that…

emoji emoji

What I find annoying is when you record a gameplay of your favourite game and happily play the game in your own pace and once you upload them someone goes around leaving a comment saying "play faster! we have platinumed this already!@" I mean I had worse then this before but this is just silly the way this person said it is like he does speedrun videos as a hobby and takes it seriously like "speedruns is serious business bro!"

That's got to suck!emoji (That was directed at the person.)

That's got to suck!emoji (That was directed at the person.)

it does indeed but hey it could have been worse though plus it's not like he say something more harsh than that.