Sujet : Is Ratchet and Clank getting repetitive?

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So, I was watching BrainScratchComms play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time when they mentioned Twilight Princess, and how it feels samey compared to other Zelda games. When they finished giving their thoughts on the game Lewis (one of the members in the crew) said: "If you enjoyed every Ratchet and Clank game that came out after the second one, then you'll enjoy the game" and everybody agreed with him. This is implying that Ratchet and Clank has been repetitive in terms of Gameplay. I won't disagree with that, but it's not correct as a whole. I'd say every game until A Crack in Time. Anyway, those were just my thoughts. Here's a link for the video: The conversation about Twilight Princess starts around 9:18

A Crack in Time was the last R&C game with all the normal R&C gameplay style, and, in my opinion, the best. The games in the original trilogy had the same essential gameplay but got better as they went along, in terms of tweaks and story. Same for the Future trilogy. Both trilogies preceded games that tried something quite different (respectively, Deadlocked and A4O followed by FFA), and the sudden shift from the peak of the trilogies to different game styles may contribute to why they haven't been so well received.
But the series never lost its more essential trademark elements (e.g. bolts, crates, massive weapons, upgrades…emoji. So it just depends whether you like a change in what you see or what you do, or neither.

The gameplay would be the same. But that would be like somebody doing a salto in spring, summer, fall and winter. Its still a salto, but all arround him changes.

Ratchet and clank is always about the same, platforming and shooting. The balance of those two is sometimes different, and the weapons are different, but the gameplay remains the same. But it stays fun, because new elements are introduced every time(weapons, enemies, gadgets, worlds, gameplay(ffa,deadlocked))

Ratchet and clank is always about the same, platforming and shooting. The balance of those two is sometimes different, and the weapons are different, but the gameplay remains the same. But it stays fun, because new elements are introduced every time(weapons, enemies, gadgets, worlds, gameplay(ffa,deadlocked))

Yeah I pretty much agree with that although when I now started to play these games again the most important thing showed up to be the awesome characters and story.

Ratchet and clank is always about the same, platforming and shooting. The balance of those two is sometimes different, and the weapons are different, but the gameplay remains the same. But it stays fun, because new elements are introduced every time(weapons, enemies, gadgets, worlds, gameplay(ffa,deadlocked))

Very true, the main game elements stay the same but it's all the extras like the hoverboard races, ship flying, different weapons etc that make each game different. Compared to other series, such as CoD, R&C is anything but repetative.

Ratchet and clank is always about the same, platforming and shooting. The balance of those two is sometimes different, and the weapons are different, but the gameplay remains the same. But it stays fun, because new elements are introduced every time(weapons, enemies, gadgets, worlds, gameplay(ffa,deadlocked))

Very true, the main game elements stay the same but it's all the extras like the hoverboard races, ship flying, different weapons etc that make each game different. Compared to other series, such as CoD, R&C is anything but repetative.

CoD is just the same thing but with different stages. The gameplay néver changes.
Like you say, the R&C franchise has a big variation of things. Not just the linear platforming, which I
love most btw.

Ratchet and clank is always about the same, platforming and shooting. The balance of those two is sometimes different, and the weapons are different, but the gameplay remains the same. But it stays fun, because new elements are introduced every time(weapons, enemies, gadgets, worlds, gameplay(ffa,deadlocked))

Very true, the main game elements stay the same but it's all the extras like the hoverboard races, ship flying, different weapons etc that make each game different. Compared to other series, such as CoD, R&C is anything but repetative.

CoD is just the same thing but with different stages. The gameplay néver changes.
Like you say, the R&C franchise has a big variation of things. Not just the linear platforming, which I
love most btw.

Well, even if there wouldn't be new gamelay elements, only new weapons, it would be WAY more different, I mean, who cares if you're firing an AK47 or an M4, nobody!, but the difference between like the heavy lancer and the magma combuster or the constructo pistol is way bigger, though they're both automatic pistols. and an even bigger difference can be seen between like the acid bomb launcher and bomb glove, negotiator/devastator, pyro blaster/lava gun, they're all the same kind of weapon, but are very different

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Not really,I mean compared to CoD its not at all getting repetitive,Ratchet and clank usually has new characters guns different story,so no i dont think it is.

CoD and R&C both have the same things such as Call of Duty same guns different maps and story then Ratchet & Clank has playing and weapon features just different story and looks so repetitive or not its still fun to all

You do know that only about 20% ever plays the campaign? Meaning that 80% plays online only. So actually each game is a really expensive expansion pack.

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You do know that only about 20% ever plays the campaign? Meaning that 80% plays online only. So actually each game is a really expensive expansion pack.

That doesn't change anything, even with those results they go out of their to make an half-decent campaign, playing it or not is the player's choice. (Yes, out of every game in the world, I just defended CoD, sorry but the new Ghosts trailer is just, well, epic)

At first I though Ghosts was new DLC. I can't blame myself though, it really looks like DLC.

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Well, look, CoD's bad, but not for the reason you guys are saying, it's funny, because the things that are being used to defend the R&C games here, are also applicable to CoD games, the gameplay stays the same, but they introduce new maps, weapons, characters and a new story.

CoD keeps the same elements. Point and shoot. There's obviously some small mechanics that change, but for the most part its just the same hand with a gun you see. While every Ratchet looks and plays different, but still has the same Insomniac signuature.

If you show me some screens of different HD CoD, I wouldn't be able to see a difference. The graphics don't change much either. I have played quite a few of them at my cousin's place, but I though we we're playing BO2, but actually we were playing MW3.

Can't really blame CoD for almost never changing. It makes money anyway because its a new game. Friends always buy the new game and you need that same game to be able to play with yer friends. Money, money, money is what aBBa (?) would say.

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