I think Ratchet & Sasha sjould be together forever! Why? Because they're one of the great couples ever and one of my favorites! Who's with me? Will they save the lombaxes or ceate a new species, together? What do you think?
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!! I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!
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*Sees cutscene where you get to the Starship Phoenix for the first time* Marrying the VG-9000? Good choice.
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Ratchet and sasha were nice together but angela and ratchet were way better besides i think its better without romance,less time to blow stuff up
I like it when a game has at least 'some' relationship thing in it. But Yeah, I think Sasha would fit him better. I didn't think he was that interested in Talwyn either, but in the comic, oh, he was.
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The comics were great,i'd love to see a new series of comics soon