Just for kicks, make your own mighty Q-Force team here in this thread. You need to have the following kind of team mates in your Q-Force group, which are…
The leader who starts his/her name with the letter Q - (Captain Qwark)
The brains of the group - (Big Al)
The fitness trainer - (Helga)
The bumbling fighter - (Skid McMarx)
The bad a** hero - (Ratchet)
The attractive female - (Sasha)
The robot in the group - (Clank)
The pet in the group - (Skrunch the Monkey)
You can add anyone in each category, whether it is Ratchet or non-Ratchet characters. Even real people or inanimate items are acceptable as your team mates too.
Alright, this sounds pretty straight forward. I'll start my Q-Force Team first.
TipsyMcBee's Q-Force Team
The Leader (needs to start with the letter Q)
the members from Queen
The Brains
Albert Einstein
The Trainer
Mickey Goldmill from the Rocky films
The Bumbling Fighter
The Bad A** Hero
The Attractive Female
Sailor Pluto
The Robot
The Pet
Closet Monster from Bump in the Night