Sujet : Your most anticipated movies

so far my list consists of only 3 movies

The Wolverine

The Fast and The Furious 6

and of course Ratchet & Clank

Short list but all look very good so far emoji I'm thinking about seeing Fast and Furious as well!

No other Tributes here, huh? emoji

No other Tributes here, huh? emoji

You mean fans of The Hunger Games? Because I'd completley forgotten about the fact the second film is coming up! emoji
Whilst I'm not exactly a fan of the books, I'll keep up with the films, since the first was pretty good…

Yup, thats us.
After I saw the first movie I got myself the book trilogy. Loved them! Though I wonder if I just ruined my movie expierence with that. Like with The Host. Thats a terrible movie when you've read the book. When you haven't it at least is not as terrible.

Well thats one down…
Star Trek was absolutely awesome. I recommend it to anyone who likes sci-fi, humour and action. Apparently there are a lot of references to previous films/tv etc (according to my Trekkie mate) which I totally missed having seen few episodes. But still great movie emoji

Well thats one down…
Star Trek was absolutely awesome. I recommend it to anyone who likes sci-fi, humour and action. Apparently there are a lot of references to previous films/tv etc (according to my Trekkie mate) which I totally missed having seen few episodes. But still great movie emoji

Agreed, it's my third favourite Trek film so far, behind Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country.
And yes, there are indeed a lot of references to the franchise, very few of which I can mention because of spoilers, but I will put a few of them in the spoiler tags:

When Kirk goes on away missions, he has Sulu take the Captain's chair until he gets back - this one is less likely to be a reference, but I'll mention it anyway; I think it could be referencing how in Star Trek VI, Sulu captained his own ship, the U.S.S. Excelsior.

Doctor McCoy had a tribble which he experiments on, Tribbles are one of the most well known species from The Original Series.

Doctor McCoy brags about his skills as a doctor by explaining how he once performed a cesarean on a Gorn. The Gorn only appeared once in TOS (they were referenced a few times in DS9 I think)but are by far the most well known Star Trek villain, the big reptile thingy that has the fight scene with Kirk that everyone remembers for having such cheesey effects.

There were tons of other references in the film, some of which I can't mention because they have too much of an effect on the main plot, and mentioning them would count as major spoilers, but most of the other references, I cannot remember. If I remember some of the less spoilery references, I may edit them in to the post later…