They're is probably already a thread about this, but i couldn't find it anymore :$
Anyways so what are some other games next to R&C that you really like playing or that you love?
I recently played The Last of Us and i'm in love with this game/story/characters.
You guys?
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I'm a platformer gamer, so I play Jak, Sly and Sonic too. Other than that, I really enjoyed RockBand and recently I got Uncharted 2.
Crash Bandicoot is pretty much my favourite series, I still play the four original games from time to time, favourite being Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, while Crash Team Racing is really fun to play with friends.
I also play Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142, the newer Battlefields aren't that good IMO.
@kubak If you like Uncharted 2, you should defenitely pick up The Last of Us. It is in my opinion a real journey as it does something with you.

Pay Respects
Messages : 1638
On PS3 besides RaC, I like to play LittleBigPlanet. But those two games look so different it looks impossible!
I also play League of Legends with my friends. I used to play it alone, but now I don't play it without friends. Somehow.
Along side Ratchet and Clank I play Call of Duty, Spyro (Ish) GTA, Jack and Daxter, Oddworld Munch's Oddysee, and I can't remember the rest.
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!

6 minutes...
Messages : 192
Besides all IG games, I like the InFamous and Mass Effect games, I used to like Assassins Creed before AC3 and I liked Red Faction Guerilla, the Dead Space games I only recently started playing, but I like them so far

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
I play platformers and 3rd person shooters. Sci-fi themed games are my favorite, but I don't mind a fantasy setting either. Almost my entire game collection its build by platformers. The 3rd person shooter part is starting to grow a little bigger now too.