Messages : 2733
Trust me, stepping on a Lego is really painful
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Messages : 2733
Trust me, stepping on a Lego is really painful
Messages : 5964
I feel as though people are exaggerating a little on 9gag. Let's find out! Maybe I should cam it…
Messages : 2733
No, NO! DON'T! Don't do that! It's actually painful, but yeah, some people are exaggerating about it
Messages : 5964
Turns out… i don't have any Leg blocks.
Well don't break them. You never know how cheap Lego is being made these days… well I don't anyway.
EDIT: And just for fun, lets see what my profile will look like in 2 or 3 years time…
How did you make that?
Messages : 3875
No, NO! DON'T! Don't do that! It's actually painful, but yeah, some people are exaggerating about it
Lego bricks don't hurt everyone's feet. When we used to have them I never got hurt, because I got used to walking around on prickles and sharp things all the time.
And I managed to do that to my profile through the magic of "Inspect element". It's fun messin' about with that feature. I was going to change how my thingy said "Member" into some other thing like "Admin" or something, but I thought that might be going a bit far.
Messages : 2733
Inspect element?
Messages : 3875
If you are usin Chrome you can right click somewhere on a page and select Inspect Element to change whatever it is you want. You'll need a basic understanding of HTML code though.
Or you could just hit F12, that usually works too.
If you are usin Chrome you can right click somewhere on a page and select Inspect Element to change whatever it is you want. You'll need a basic understanding of HTML code though.
Or you could just hit F12, that usually works too.
It's also on Firefox
Messages : 2733
Alright, maybe I'll try it later
Messages : 16
Trust me, stepping on a Lego is really painful
Truer words have never been spoken. Pretty sure my first instance of swearing in pain was stepping on the bottom corner of a small square one.
Side note: I keep wanting to get back into Legos and then I look at how expensive they are and how I won't be having a parent buy them for me anymore. Then I just play Lego Star Wars instead.
Crotchitizer enabled.
Messages : 6
After having this as my bedroom floor for 3 years, your feet tend to get immune to pain from stepping on Lego.
The thought of stepping on that amount of Lego makes me cringe >_<
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Messages : 3875
That is quite the mess. We used to have a seriously bad problem with leaving our toys all over the floor (bad would be a massive understatement). But we'd never leave the Lego lying about. No, Lego is too expensive and precious of a toy to be left on the floor. We threw it all into large containers.
I've got this HUGE red lego box in my bedroom that has over 3000 bricks just lying about in bags.
I should open it…
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