Messages : 27
Hey guys. Reposting this in the ENGLISH version of the Forums. Thought it was still under development.
My friend has just recieved the Crack in Time Soundtrack that I made a few weeks ago. I sent it to him on DVD because I didn't want to waste the internet useage (it's terrible down here). The Soundtrack contains almost every bit of music in the game, from the XMB Music to that extended My Blaster Runs Hot theme that plays in the Museum. I spent over a solid week of doing NOTHING but working on the Soundtrack, and due to some things that happened with my QFB Soundtrack, I've made a few concessions.
First, there will be three versions of the Soundtrack, but only two will be more widely available. These two will each have some drawback to them in exchange for pro. The first version is the Public Soundtrack. This contains all of the music, the In-Game Music, and all of the Space Radio Stuff (music from all stations in all sectors, all radio ads, and news alerts). However, in exchange for all of that, the music is at 160kbps. Low enough of audiophiles to notice, high enough for your average joe to not notice. This Soundtrack is about 500MB, contained in a zip file.
The second version is the Essential Soundtrack. In exchange for a higher bitrate (320kbps), this Soundtrack contains only the best/more important in-game music (there is no Radio music as that's liscenced from APM Music, don't wanna get into trouble with them). This Soundtrack is around 300MB, and is also in a zip file.
The final version is the Private Soundtrack. This is the full collection of Music, at 320kbps, but like the Orvus Chamber, it's also the most secure. First, the file is password protected on my friend's server, and it's got a second password for the RAR file. I or my friend only give it out to those we trust will not distribute it over the net, in addition to owning the original game (think GBA ROMs). This is the largest file, at 1.10GB.
Hope you understand the reasoning as to why I made the multiple versions. When my friend uploads the Public and Essential Soundtracks I'll gladly give you guys the links for you to use in your Music section. Oh, and as I tend to do, the entire Soundtrack is properly Named, Album'd, Artist'd, Dated, and even given Album Art, so it'll look snazzy when it's on your iPod or PSP.
Have to give a huge thanks to Zantor Zenodex, as he hosts the various versions on his site, and thus he plays a pretty major role in the Soundtracks.