Hello guys :)
We are pleased to announce a new private messaging service for Ratchet Galaxy. The main improvement : being able to create discussions which can welcome 2 to 5 members each. Here are some of its features :
> Instead of creating multiple private messages for one member in particular, for example, you are now able to create a discussion in which you will invite him/her. That means you can post as many messages in it as you want.
> The person who creates the discussion becomes its administrator, and is the only one who can invite other members. However, you cannot eject anyone.
> If the administrator leaves the discussion, the latter will still be active and the other participants can continue to talk.
> A discussion can never end unless each one of its participants quit. In this case, the discussion will be automatically deleted.
> As before, the messages whose lifespan is older than 2 months, are automatically deleted.
> The guest(s) of a discussion has/have access to all of the messages posted in it, even those posted before they integrated it.
> The "Archives" option let you read the messages you received on the older PM service, but this, during only one month, starting from today. If you have any important messages you wish to save, copy them on Wordpad, for instance. Beyond this period, the "Archives" option will disappear, to let the new service the whole way.
> The Javascript function of your web browser must be activated.
We hope you enjoy the new service :) We do think it is far more convenient than the older one, and will save some space on your PM board :^^:
As always, we want to know what you think and are waiting for your appreciations, whether positive or negative.
The team is growing !
> FinalFantasyFan joins the team as a moderator on the english version of the site.
> ratchetandyann joins the team as a fanfics validator on the french version of the site.
Please welcome both of them :)
> The R&C Future action figures are back with a new series. First picture !
> Insomniac Games is one of the first video games studios to use a new motion capture technology, said to be revolutionnary since it uses… bluetooth !
> The website Screwattack integrates the R.Y.N.O in its video series "The Armory", as one of the most powerful weapons in video games history.
> The Full Moon Show will be back soon ! If you have any questions about the "Girl with a Stick" project, make sure to ask them on the Insomniac forums, or on their twitter page.
the series 2 figures look good, we get Rusty Pete now!
I'd just say Azimuth and Orvus look a little strange, Alistair looks like they've overdone the fur. Orvus looks like they've overdone wrinkled!