Chad Dezern Gives New Info About Both the Movie and the Game

In a recent interview with GameHub TV, Chad Dezern gives light concerning the interaction and the similarities between the Ratchet and Clank Movie, and the Ps4 game.

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For starters, Chad Dezern says working with Rainmaker Ent. was a "breath of fresh air," as they've been respectful about Insomniac's popular franchise. He also states that both the movie and the game are canon to the series.

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However, this is where it gets sticky: in the game, Captain Qwark is narrating, but he gives the audience "a skewed version of the events in his not-at-all-correct point of view." Some planets that get mentioned briefly in the movie have bigger roles in the game.

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All main characters from the movie are in the game–in fact, the models are pulled directly from the movie into the game, and vice versa! Chad says it's a brand new thing that required no down-rezing or shading differently. No word yet on whether or not the A-list cast will reprise their movie roles for the game.

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Finally, Chad Dezern says this Ratchet and Clank game has the longest draw distance of any Ratchet and Clank game to date, and the team at Insomniac Games is very pleased with how it's played out. In fact, the game may already be finished. According to BGU Gaming, the Ratchet and Clank ps4 game is 100% complete. This of course does not mean that Insomniac won't take time to fix bugs and lags, along with making the overall game more "shiny." Since the movie and game were meant to come out this year, it's safe to say they are almost finished polishing the game.

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Avatar - Kirito
Kirito 5 juil. 2015 13:27:16

@Animovie Ratchet
    "Same here: the mere fact that we get a worldwide, 3d, theatrical, animated movie on my favorite game series is enough of a selling point emoji"
In fact, now that I know the main character resources are identical between film and game, it explains why I was so confused when it changed from film footage to game in the trailer. Of course it was hard to tell, they really are almost identical!

Avatar - Artsy-Lombax
Artsy-Lombax 5 juil. 2015 17:10:01

The hype is real y'all, so real!!!

Avatar - KadenKat
KadenKat 5 juil. 2015 17:38:41

        "FINALLY! News! To be honest, I'm not that exited for the game emoji But that's because I don't have a PS4. But I AM exited for the movie. Still waiting for another trailer!"
    Thats exactly my reason. I plan to start saving for a PS4 once I land a job, which is tough given where I live. I'm hype as hell for the film, but the game is kinda taking the back seat for me cause I dont have any for of playing it.
    However, my plan is to preorder the game so that I own it and have motivation to make sure I get the console."
That's a good plan you have. But I still won't get a PS4. For two reasons: it's hard to get money where I live and they're incredibly expensive.

Avatar - LombaxJord
LombaxJord 5 juil. 2015 17:53:29

I seem to be in the opposite situation. I managed to pick up a PS4 on the cheap but there aren't that many games on it I'm interested in so far. Not until later this year and early next year anyway! I must say I'm equally hyped for the game and the movie, looking forward to a new trailer emoji

Avatar - HydraTank
HydraTank 5 juil. 2015 22:12:59

So, does that mean that the movie and game are purely Qwark's take on the origin story and do not completely reboot the series as a whole? emoji

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 5 juil. 2015 23:42:17

    "So, does that mean that the movie and game are purely Qwark's take on the origin story and do not completely reboot the series as a whole? emoji"
No, the movie is what actually happened. The game is Qwark's fake take on the movie's storyline.

Avatar - KadenKat
KadenKat 6 juil. 2015 01:15:47

@Animovie Ratchet
        "So, does that mean that the movie and game are purely Qwark's take on the origin story and do not completely reboot the series as a whole? emoji"
    No, the movie is what actually happened. The game is Qwark's fake take on the movie's storyline."
So… is the game non-canon?

Avatar - Kirito
Kirito 6 juil. 2015 01:34:12

    "@Animovie Ratchet
            "So, does that mean that the movie and game are purely Qwark's take on the origin story and do not completely reboot the series as a whole? emoji"
        No, the movie is what actually happened. The game is Qwark's fake take on the movie's storyline."
    So… is the game non-canon?"
Its definitely canon. But not exactly accurate. I'd call it 'streatched canon' since it will be what really happened, just through Qwarks eyes.

Avatar - ankadewo
ankadewo 6 juil. 2015 11:24:44

Oh no. No. No. Through Qwark's eyes? We all know of his reputation for faking stories. Unless if Qwark is actually telling the truth, or either Ratchet or Clank took over the role as the narrator.

Avatar - Ratchetruler
Ratchetruler 6 juil. 2015 12:27:27

I am very pessimistic about this narrative. I rather prefer playing games that actually are cannon in their own universe. Even if it's as mad as what Metal Gear Rising did. Having the key difference between the movie and game be that Qwark is elaborating more on the story in a way that may not be true just brings up alarm bells that much of this story may not happen.
To be fair I loved Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, and if this is anything like that game's narrative then I'm sure it'll be fine. But knowing Qwark, we really can't believe that anything has happened at all.
Only time will tell, and while I'm sure I will be disappointed by this narrative style, I'm sure it will be a fun story nonetheless.