Hello there buddies!
After 16 years of good and honest services to Sony, Insomniac surprised everyone with the announce of a partnership with Electronic Arts! 16 years which had great games on the PlayStation consoles : Disruptor, Spyro, Ratchet & Clank and Resistance.
What are the terms of this partnership?
It's via Twitter that Insomniac announced this partnership with EA. It concerns a brand new license, which will be released both on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.
The Ratchet and Resistance series are and will still be edited by Sony, and will stay the PlayStation 3 exclusives. In fact, the independent status of Insomniac can let them manage multiple projects with different editors, and they're not specifically attributed to a particular editor.
No worries then for the folks who bought a PlayStation 3 only to enjoy these series ; and good news for the happy possessors of the 360 who will enjoy the talent of our favorite studio!
Insomniac Games is excited to announce that we are working on a brand new franchise as well as a new universe that will be given to you in a near future, not only for the PlayStation 3 but also the Xbox 360. Our goal is always to deliver a unique experience and that's why we decided to work with a new publishing partner : EA Partners. We're very excited about the new game and the new relationship […] But what about Sony? As an independent developer, we have choices : we can work with different publishers, different games. However, we want to reassure that everyone that are dedication to Ratchet & Clank, to Resistance and of course to Sony, remains as strong as ever. We will continue to work with Sony on games.
Look at Ted Price's video explanation, talking about what they're about to do with their new game… more or less :p)
The future of Insomniac Games
We certainly won't have any information about that game for a while. The agreement has just been signed, and no really concrete information of the game is releasable for the next few months. Insomniac seems though very happy to touch a much larger public by going to multiplatform!
For the next E3, we might expect the announce of a Resistance 3, the new license of the North Carolina studio, and eventually of a Ratchet & Clank.
What about the Full Moon Show?
As we announced in our previous news, the video episode of the Full Moon Show about I:5, aka Girl with a stick, has been released last Thursday! You'll see some gameplay sneak peeks, artworks, and all the things they did when they were preproducing the game :^^:
> See the Episode 49 of the Full Moon Show
As it turns out, this is actually a part of the full audio discussion about the game, and that will be released in the next episode, so stay tuned :)
Went I first saw this I thought it was gonna be a tie in for announcing another R&C game (or Resistance). Then I caught the line where it said "new franchise." So Insomniac has actually been planning a new addition to the family. I'm really curious to see it now.
That is quite surprising news but it's still good though, I don't see anything wrong with it *rolleyes at the whiny fanboys*
but I am so glad they did Ratchet and Clank instead XD
But I'm very interested to see what their new IP is, I hope it isn't a FPS though XD but still, I'm sure it'll be something neat either way! And will help them become even more well known and respected, reaching out to a wider audience!
I guess we won't be seeing R&C this year (sorta experiencing that) which is alright. And I liked that video about Girl with a Stick too, very interesting taking a look into the past like that
I'd heard rumours that Insomniac Games were producing an R&C game for the Wii, so when I say this I thought
but then it said "new franchise" and I panicked, but then it said that Ratchet and Clank would not be affected, so I was like
"I'd heard rumours that Insomniac Games were producing an R&C game for the Wii, so when I say this I thought
but then it said "new franchise" and I panicked, but then it said that Ratchet and Clank would not be affected, so I was like
When will people realize that R&C is owned by Sony, NOT Insomniac? lol.
And I think I'm missing out on something. There was a video called "A Girl with a Stick"?
Girl with a Stick was an Insomniac abandonned project, and that's why Ratchet & Clank were created, as explained on the latest video episode of the Full Moon Show
That's so awesome!!!! Can't wait to see what their new IP is, and seeing what Girl with a Stick was like was very interesting too I must say…
I was so glad that R&C was unaffected. If it was, they would make a movie out of it called "Inglorious Basterds 2".