Kevin Michael Richardson won't be the voice of Drek in the movie

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Kevin Michael Richardson, the voice of Chairman Drek from the first game confirmed he’s not reprising his role in the upcoming movie and (though that’s only speculation) is most likely going to be replaced by a celebrity voice.

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That, combined with new design as well as an early tweet from the screenwriter TJ Fixman (“Wait until you guys see what I do with Chairman Drek”) makes me think that the character of Drek might be highly altered, and thus the change of the voice actor might not be just to get a popular name on the poster, but also to fit the “new” Chairman. What do you guys think?

Commentaires (8)

Avatar - Rock_Lombax
Rock_Lombax 3 déc. 2014 19:55:56

As long as the "new" Chairman's "new" voice fits his "new" personality, which must be appropriate for one who destroys planets in order to create one of his own, … I guess I'm OK with it.

Avatar - Pippip19
Pippip19 3 déc. 2014 21:48:13

Yeah, would be nice to keep everything the same forever, but change has to happen obviously, and often it is the changes make it better/interesting.

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 4 déc. 2014 00:47:43

I hope it's James Earl Jones!

Avatar - Darkstar
Darkstar 4 déc. 2014 07:48:34
Avatar - ankadewo
ankadewo 6 déc. 2014 08:30:28

At least they should reveal the new voice actor before I can judge

Avatar - Darkstar
Darkstar 21 déc. 2014 02:57:54
Avatar - Filipuntik
Filipuntik 21 déc. 2014 10:31:07

Just noticed the "Obserwuj" button.

Avatar - Z-man
Z-man 24 févr. 2015 14:00:17

Yeah it sucks that getting rid of the original chairman dreks voice you really can not go wrong with the original.emoji