Merry Christmas to All!

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Yep, it's already Christmas, and we decided to offer you some special gifts for this special event!

The Cutscenes

We will then start with the cutscenes, which are quite surprising, as you will read along!

Like some of you may know, the cutscenes of Ratchet & Clank Future : Tools of Destruction and Ratchet & Clank Future : Quest for Booty already were available for download for a long time… but in a low quality of video and sound… and in French :p)
That's why I started to record these cutscenes again, in a much better quality, in an avi format along with the DivX Codec (for a good-quality file, whitout having a heavy file)… but also in English, as some people from Insomniac asked for it! :^^:

The recorded cutscenes of R&CF:TOD have also a little detail : they were all taken with Ratchet's first suit, that means not buying any armor, from the beginning to the end of the game! This was a pain, but it was worth it, so we can see all the facial expressions from our favorite lombax! :)

But that's not all!
Indeed, since the release of Ratchet & Clank Future : A Crack In Time, the cutscenes have also been recorded, without any problem, because Insomniac disabled the armor's specificity during the cutscenes!

And finally, last but not least, Malier has sent us the 4 first cutscenes of Ratchet & Clank : Going Commando, in English!

So, in order to watch these videos correctly, you'll have to download and install the ffdshow codec pack, which includes the DivX Codec, on this link (click on any link to download the zip). You will then be able to read those videos with your usual Media Player.

The cutscenes are available for download on the usual pages :
>> Videos of R&C:GC <<
>> Videos of R&CF:TOD <<
>> Videos of R&CF:QFB <<
>> Videos of R&CF:ACIT <<

Music of R&CF:ACIT

The OST of Ratchet & Clank Future : A Crack In Time was already downloadable on the site, but wasn't complete, and what's not complete isn't perfect!

Thanks to KBABZ's hardworking, a member that we kindly thank, we now have the almost-complete OST of the game (2 or 3 tracks are missing, but nothing very important), which has 232 tracks, whith the in-game music, the music of 3 radios (Pirate Radio, House of Synth and Deep Space Jams), the Commercials and the Breaking News!

The soundtrack can be listened and downloaded on the usual page :
>> Music of R&CF:ACIT <<

Match : Ratchet Galaxy versus Starship Phoenix

Indeed, on Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves, a little tournament will take place in the next few days with our friends from Starship Phoenix. We invite you to post on this thread to sign up for one of the two teams! Of course, you have to possess the game and the console :p)
We'll then create several little teams that will play against each other. Every team will confront every team from the other side!

On this final thing, the team wishes you a Happy Christmas and hopes that you are enjoying your holidays! :^^:


Commentaires (5)

Avatar - TOY_ROBOT
TOY_ROBOT 25 déc. 2009 01:21:37

Merry Christmas!
Also, the zip file for the music is corrupt. emoji

Avatar - Ratchetlombax
Ratchetlombax 25 déc. 2009 05:12:31

Try again: some other had no problem with it emoji

Avatar - FGras
FGras 29 déc. 2009 19:07:48

Music is cool! emoji ive used it for one of my youtube vid's emoji

Avatar - Lunatikas
Lunatikas 2 janv. 2010 16:50:39

Merry Christmas to all emoji

Avatar - djman02
djman02 6 janv. 2010 02:31:37

downloading the a group of clips takes like 12 hours to download
how can i make it faster emoji