Michael Bross composing for the PS4 game and more

[UPDATE] Michael Bross confirmed he's composing for the game on his Twitter page, however, he's not allowed to reveal any details right now.

Michael Bross composing for the upcoming game

Discussion about which of the series’ composers is the best has been going among the fans for quite a long time. That of course caused endless speculations regarding composer for the upcoming movie and the PS4 game – who’d be the best for the job, who’s most likely going to be picked up and so on. Today, half of the secret has been revealed by none other than Michael Bross, composer for the last three Ratchet & Clank games as well as the Oddworld series. When asked by one of the fans if he’s composing for the Ratchet & Clank movie he replied:
“I’d love to, but Sony has not been in contact with me in regard to the film, though I am in development on the current RC game.

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Who’s composing for the Ratchet & Clank movie is still unknown, though the fact that Bross still haven’t been asked to do the job makes his involvement in it very unlikely.

The final recording session for the Ratchet & Clank movie

The final recording session for the Ratchet & Clank movie took place last week. Official PlayStation Magazine editor Matthew Pellett was a guest in the studio, so we can expect a nice article about the movie soon.

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From the left: PlayStation Magazine Editor Matthew Pellett, Dr. Nefarious' voice actor Armin Shimerman and the movie's director Kevin Munroe.

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From the left: PlayStation Magazine Editor Matthew Pellett and Clank's voice actor David Kaye.

No footage of the game this year?

The PS4 game’s footage is most probably not going to be shown this year, as Insomniac Games is not attending the PlayStation Event in December. When asked about any kind of progress update on IG Forums, one of the Insomniac employees came up with the following statement:

“Development is going great. We are on track for 2015. Game looks really good running in the new engine and on the PS4. Ratchet has a wrench and some weapons that are crazy. Clank is still a robot with a funny laugh.


How's that?”

And that’s it for today, stay tuned for more news and have a qwarktastic day!

Commentaires (7)

Avatar - Handem
Handem 27 nov. 2014 19:47:47

Is it sure that Insomniac Games is not attending Playstation Experience?

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 27 nov. 2014 20:30:01

    "Is it sure that Insomniac Games is not attending Playstation Experience?"
Well, a full list of developers attending the event was shown a few weeks ago and IG was not on it. That doesn't mean there will be absolutely no Ratchet & Clank, but we shouldn't expect any big game announcements.

Avatar - Handem
Handem 27 nov. 2014 21:20:33

Well, I guess we can still hope for it!

Avatar - wrenchmasteromni
wrenchmasteromni 27 nov. 2014 22:20:31

dos the game have a trailer yet

Avatar - Animovie_Ratchet
Animovie_Ratchet 28 nov. 2014 00:43:38

    "dos the game have a trailer yet"
no sorry

Avatar - Darkstar
Darkstar 28 nov. 2014 19:31:32

So I'm not entirely sure how YouTube works but…
Could you check his chanel to see if it's the actual Bross?

Avatar - Kubak12
Kubak12 28 nov. 2014 20:23:39

    "So I'm not entirely sure how YouTube works but…
    Could you check his chanel to see if it's the actual Bross?"
His official website has a link to that channell.