The Ratchet Galaxy English team is constantly growing! This week, we have two new members, yours truly, Melazzee and Tara Cross under the NEW status of RG Managers! This new status includes leading the entire English section of the site, managing and sorting through fanart/fiction, updating with news and stalking the forums for any nasties! But of course there's room for fun too! :P
a New Staff!
We have both prepared introductions to help everyone to get to know us, so here goes:
Tara Cross
"Hi everyone, my name's Tara Cross. I joined this community earlier on in the year and now I am a proud part of the Ratchet Galaxy staff team. I've been a fan of the Ratchet and Clank series since 2004, but only recently got more involved with the community and fandom, earlier in the year. I am also, an Animator and Artist, and dedicate most of my time to those two hobbies, and my part time job of course.
I am looking forward to working with the team over time, and don't be afraid to ask me anything :D I'm always here to help and answer!
"Hey'all, my name is Yasmin (Melazzee). I was shown this site by a friend a few months ago during an animation class (yup, I'm an animator and digital artist) and we'd sit and play Ratchet and Clank music full blast for the whole 2 hours of the lesson :P After a few weeks, I decided to sign up and join the community, and I can say, I've enjoyed being here so much! I'm so happy to be helping out with this site, and if you need any assistance with anything, don't be afraid to PM me (I don't bite XD)! :D
We will both be stalking the forums, so if you catch us, don't worry about stopping to have a chat!
Onto other news
DC comics and Insomniac Games have announced a Ratchet and Clank comic that will be released as a series of 6 in the US this September. Written by T.J Fixman, the official writer of the RaC games, it has been confirmed by Insomniac that this is a continuation of the series.
Taking place after the events in a Crack in Time, we see our heroes return to the Solana Galaxy for some rest, but as usual, they are called to duty. Entire planets have been disappearing from the solar system and at the beckon of Galactic President Quark, Ratchet and Clank are sent to investigate. The duo are put to the test as they encounter perhaps their most dangerous and capable enemy… a Markazian planet thief who goes by the name of Artemis Zogg!
Now I'm wondering; "How does one steal a planet?"
Unfortunately, this has only so far been announced a release date in the US so there is a possibility that non-US fans may have to import. But to see the beautiful "concept art style" of Ratchet and Clank put into comic form, this is a must-have for any die hard RaC fan!
It's worth it, right?
> Source
But wait… there's even more news?
There sure is!
I'm sure some of you may have heard the new game being released for Playstation Move called Heroes on the Move. This is the game that FINALLY brings together our heroes of the Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter and the Sly Cooper franchises together. Not much is know about the game yet, but from the looks of the trailer, it could involve lots of Smash'em-Up style fighting x)
Your first news article is well done, great work there buddy
Thanks, RatchetLombax
(Me and Melazzee worked on it, heh) I'll probably write the next article, next time.. unless I am too busy while overseas, heh. I'm already enjoying my job so far though
First off, congrats to both of you two on making the staff. I wish you both good luck, but I'm sure you'll do fine.
Graphically, it looks pretty good, but they seemed to have messed up the designs of Ratchet and Sly a little. Of course, the latter's case could be from the fact he's not cell-shaded as in his own games. Which of course begs the question of why couldn't they cell-shade him alongside the "realistically" shaded characters? Hell, Brawl had regular Link (who was "realistically" shaded) alongside Toon Link (who was cell shaded) in the same game…so why not just cell-shade the Sly Cooper gang and/or elements?
Now for the news itself. A crossover game with Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Sly Cooper and Bentley? At first, I could barely contain my exictment over such a crossover with so many of my favorite PS2 game characters!
…then I watched the trailer.
Work in progress or not, those animations SCARE me! All of their movements look mechanical and just really, really unpolished.
And why didn't they bring in Murray from the Sly Cooper cast? Those characters work as and are known as a trio, so seeing one or the other missing seems…weird. If they're worried about a "balance" between the number of characters, why not just pull out one more from each universe? Qwark from Ratchet and Clank would be cool to play as, and there's a host of other characters from Jak's universe you could choose from (Sig, Torn, and Ashelin all come to mind as immediate choices as all are known for badassary and an affection for guns/knives/anything in general that goes boom).
So yeah…to sum it up, unless future trailers reveal vast improvement, or something else inticing, I might skip this one.
Edit: ACK! HOW did I overlook the comic anouncement!? >.< Anyway, that's going to be really, REALLY awesome. Although I have to ask, Tara; when you wrote "Quark", did you mean "Qwark" as in "Captain Qwark"? Are you telling me that spandex-wearing dufus is going to become the Galactic President of the Solona Galaxy!?
I'd run if I were any random Solonian right about now…
im scared… Ratchet looks so ugly! eeep!