The news never stops! Today, Ratchet and Clank visit the very beautiful and familiar planet Pokitaru!
Essentially, the level is exactly the same as the Ps2 version, with re-imagined graphics and enemies. Michael Bross has given the soundtrack a very nostalgic feel with vibes from the previous Pokitaru.
Blarg, Puff-boids, and Telepathopi make up the majority of the enemies; however, there is still no new weapons. Additionally, the alien in the flowered shirt is a reletive of Grimroth.
Briefly shown, Ratchet and Clank can swim under water. The water looks gorgeous, and bolt crates and puff-boids can be seen from a distance.
Aerial Combat was also shown, which brought back memories of destroying Blarg Ships and excavators. Ratchet's jet can also collect bolts and ammo.
Lastly, Ratchet and Clank meet up at the Tiki Karaoke Lounge to see a familiar face…BIG AL! After 11 years, he finally returns! Almost didn't recognize him in high-def, eh?
For more news on Ratchet and Clank, stay tuned to Ratchet Galaxy.
At this rate, we'll reach 100 news posts in no time!
Either Big Al is older, or he's simply pretty well detailed with the good graphics.
imagine there would be a rhyno in the game…0_540.png
big al looks like a hamster who grew a beard and a mustache…1_540.jpg
Nobody gonna point out that the blarg ships are called "Hydroharvesters"?
Because i think that's something to point out. Probably a change in the story, since those ships used to dump waste, but their new name suggests they collect water for Dreks new planet.