Happy Easter for those of you who celebrate this holiday! In only 1 month, Ratchet and Clank will blast into theaters worldwide. So it only seems fit that our intergalactic duo now has their very own website!
Here you can watch trailers, learn character trivia, and even get some cool new images and video clips. The website mainly focuses on six main characters: Ratchet, Clank, Qwark, Cora, Brax, and Drek. As more info comes to light, the website will continue to update.
There was also a short video concerning French voice actor Nikos Aliagas, and his role of Dallas. No word yet on whether or not Nika Flutterman has reprized her role as Juanita.
Now prepare for some spoilers. If you watch a lot of cartoons, on channels like Disney XD, CN, or Nick, you may have noticed Ratchet and Clank Movie spots! There are four different variations in total, which I took the liberty of uploading:
RaC: TV Spots #1 and #2
RaC: TV Spots #3 and #4
Evan Wise and Jingle Punks have uploaded 2 of the movie's official soundtracks, along with titles of the others. The soundtracks aren't bad, but they don't live up to Michael Bross's work. Also, Jelly Roll's song "Bad News Travels Fast" is in the film–and they don't even care. Being a rap title, it's not the most exciting choice they could have gone with.
Most recently, Ratchet and Clank's cast and crew were at Wondercon last Friday! Fans got to see interviews, watch four movie clips, and even ask the creators some questions. One fan asked if a Ratchet and Clank sequel was possible, to which they replied: "that is up to the fans." Since the Sly Cooper movie is still in the waiting game, we can assume this won't be any time soon. For the full interview with James Arnold Taylor and David Kaye, you can watch it here.
Gramercy Pictures uploaded two of the four clips shown. The first one, "Meet Clank" is actually a full-length clip of the PSX veldin gameplay cutscene, with some added audio. The second clip, "That was Awesome!" shows Ratchet and Clank's struggle to work together at first. There is tons of witty humor from both characters, and even a few easter eggs here and there. The 3rd clip shows Ratchet and Cora in a dark hall, with Drek watching their every move. The 4th clip is a weapons testing gag scene, where Ratchet tries out the Combuster, Bomb, Alpha Disruptor, Warmonger, Buzz Blades, Negociator, and even the Spiral of Death, a fan-made weapon from ACIT!
That wraps up this news post. With the Ps4 game finally gone gold, I will probably not post anymore news until after the game's release. Until then, stay tuned to Ratchet Galaxy.
@Rock Lombax
lol, I forgot that the movie actually premieres here during the Easter holiday… I imagine how many people who never heard of R&C will think it's a movie about a space Easter bunny…
If you think about it, this is actually good because it gives a lot of misinformed parents an extra reason to take their kids to the cinema, therefore more audience."
Which region do you mean? Because in western countries Easter is now. In Greece Easter is from 25 April to 1 of May.
lol, I forgot that the movie actually premieres here during the Easter holiday… I imagine how many people who never heard of R&C will think it's a movie about a space Easter bunny…
"@Rock Lombax
If you think about it, this is actually good because it gives a lot of misinformed parents an extra reason to take their kids to the cinema, therefore more audience."
Which region do you mean? Because in western countries Easter is now. In Greece Easter is from 25 April to 1 of May."
I meant all orthodox countries from eastern Europe.
@Rock Lombax
lol, I forgot that the movie actually premieres here during the Easter holiday… I imagine how many people who never heard of R&C will think it's a movie about a space Easter bunny…
"@Rock Lombax
If you think about it, this is actually good because it gives a lot of misinformed parents an extra reason to take their kids to the cinema, therefore more audience."
Which region do you mean? Because in western countries Easter is now. In Greece Easter is from 25 April to 1 of May."
I meant all orthodox countries from eastern Europe."
Well, I said that since most people here live in catholics western countries and USA. I though you live in an orthodox country as well since you mentioned the orthodox Easter.
Anyway, we thought of the same thing. Kids don't have school so they can go any day with their parents to watch the movie
Sorry for the double post.
@Animovie Ratchet
Enjoy what?
Talking to Derblau
On April 6, starts the Playstation Experience in Munich, how possible is it to see a new Movie Trailer? Ok, I dont even know, if there will be a Press Conference :P
"On April 6, starts the Playstation Experience in Munich, how possible is it to see a new Movie Trailer? Ok, I dont even know, if there will be a Press Conference :P"
More likely game footage.
man people already finished the game and believe it or not they got the rhino the game is so cool I am so getting it
Can't wait to see this movie,hopefully it will get me back in the mood to play some Ratchet and Clank again