Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One hits the shelves!

It's that time folks!

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Having just released in the United States today on Tuesday, we're now here to announce that the fun will begin from now til the 21st of October; in which it will be released world-wide… hopefully :rire2:

So far the game has had very good reviews, from both English and even Japanese alike! We'll post more on that in the coming days, as more surface the web.
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So fans, be prepared to purchase the game! And for those who were fortunate enough to get the Special Edition…

As for now, we'll leave you with two funny commercials and a special video from yours truly: Captain Copernicus Qwark!

Japanese "All 4 One - Teamwork" Commercial

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Australian "All 4 One" Commercial

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Captain Copernicus Qwark's - Memoirs of a Saviour

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Memoirs of a Saviour: Part 1
Memoirs of a Saviour: Part 2
Memoirs of a Saviour: Part 3
Memoirs of a Saviour: Part 4

And that is all for now.

And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go prepare myself for All 4 One! :gni:


Commentaires (5)

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Membre supprimé 18 oct. 2011 15:07:35

Cronk and Zephyr's in it?

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Membre supprimé 18 oct. 2011 21:32:18

Looks like you read my message from one of the threads Tara. If you did check my message while posting this article up, thanks for paying attention. emoji

Avatar - AngelaCross100
AngelaCross100 13 nov. 2011 11:38:09

OH BOY! I've watched a lot of trailers and walkthroughs of All4One and I must I'm quite impressed by the graphics, the characters etc. I can't wait till Cristmas!!! emojiemojiemojiemoji

Avatar - Liberator_Guy
Liberator_Guy 12 févr. 2012 11:06:13

How to get a picture

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Membre supprimé 24 août 2012 20:08:41

I couldnt understand the storyline at all but the characters have that old classic humour i really miss emoji therefore i give it a 6\10