Commentaires - Galerie de funnyperson173

Autres langues (6)

Avatar - Shellshock_3
Shellshock_3 12 oct. 2011 17:26:26

I like your drawing style, the coulours have a beautifull shade and the features are quite successful. 7/10. emoji
PS : Sorry if they are any mistakes, I'm french. ^^"

Avatar - Shellshock_3
Shellshock_3 5 déc. 2011 12:14:13

Damage they're not any peoples who comment your work, you draw so good. emoji And your character is gorgerous ! emoji Continue, i like it ! emoji

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Membre supprimé 14 déc. 2011 10:14:57

continue comme sa je te mais 8,5 emoji
EDIT:je t'ai fais évoluer de 1 niveau tes fan arts

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Membre supprimé 24 déc. 2011 03:34:38

You draw too much.I love this drawing style.10/10.I encourage you to continue your effots.Sorry for mistackes if there i'm french.


Avatar - PresidentDrek
PresidentDrek 29 déc. 2011 21:20:32

Vraiment bien dessiné ! emoji
Comment tu as colorié ? les couleurs sont justes sublimes !!
(ps : sorry if I don't talk in english ^^)

Avatar - Doraline
Doraline 31 déc. 2011 22:09:32

You draw very well, I love your style, Ratchet is so cute emoji

Avatar - Shellshock_3
Shellshock_3 10 janv. 2012 11:10:26

Susie, very nice ! emoji I have watch your others pictures in, you draw very nice her ! Why not a picture of her and her parents ? emoji

Avatar - Galactic_Ratchet
Galactic_Ratchet 26 févr. 2012 16:39:14

Sympas 7/ 10 POUR L' INSTANT

Avatar - Shellshock_3
Shellshock_3 31 mars 2012 06:09:28

I've seen this picture yesterday, Talwyn and Clank, very cute. emoji It's your Canadian art. emoji I'm happy to meet a other Talwyn fan. emoji (I'm writing a fan fic where she is the hero emoji)

Avatar - Ratchet4-O
Ratchet4-O 3 avr. 2012 13:59:41

wow its nice you cann good driving
SLT Ratchet4-O

Ps. Sorry vor my english im frenchemoji

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Membre supprimé 4 avr. 2012 11:57:34

wow theese drawings are amazing