What's your favorite soundtrack in Up your Arsenal?I'll give my top 21 list:
21.Tyhrranosis - Control Room
20.Aquatos - Underwater Complex
19.Zygan System - Obani Gemini Pollux
18.Tyhrranosis - Korgon Base
17.Florana - Path of Death
16.Thran Asteroid - Qwark's Hideout
15.Koros - Command Center
14.Aridia - Outpost X12
13.Kerwan - Operation Urban Storm
12.Starship Phoenix Under Attack
11.Kerwan - Metropolis
10.Koros - Nefarious BFG
9.Mylon - Command Center
8.Joraal Nebula - Leviathon
7.Marcadia - Operation Iron Shield
6.Tyhrranosis - Landing Site
5.Veldin - Kyzil Plateau
4.Thran Asteroid - Underground Caverns
3.Mylon - Biobliterator
2.Starship Phoenix
And the number 1 song is…
Zygan System - Obani Gemini
You got my top 21 list.
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R&C UYA has its own forum. I moved the thread
Messages : 10
Koros, Malyi BFG or Nefarious BFG if you want. Phoenix under Attack, VR-Training, Waiting room (Natsiya Unichtojeniya - Annihilation Nation), and more than all - Metropolis level (not air operation). Nobody go past Courtney! I wonder, who make her text for song? (Jal', chto ty ne ne ponimaesh russkiy, bylo by namnogo prosche
This is strange, but some soundtracks have different names but absolutely similar music… Why?(Crash site=Qwark Snaggle Beast).
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Well some games do tend to 'recycle' music but yeah, I never noticed those were similar though… only a few others in the game.
But yeah I did like this games soundtrack though
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Even though some songs were used from the previous games, but I still think this game had one of the best soundtrack's yet in Ratchet and Clank.
Here are my favourites…
- Starship Pheonix (probably my number 1 favourite track ever in this game)
- Marcadia - Capital City
- Station Q9 - Annihilation Nation
- Vid-Comic 2: Arriba Ameoba!
- Aquatos - Sewers
- Daxx - Weapons Facility
- Zygan System - Obani Gemini
- Kerwan - Metropolis
- Zeldrin - Crash Site
- Aridia - X12 Outpost (This is definitely runner up for me. It sounds so epic)
- Thran Asteroid - Qwark's Hideout
- Mylon - Commander Center
- Insomniac Museum
1. mylon, biobliterator.
2. mylon, kick d.r. nefarious's @$$!
3. kerwan revisit, klunk.
4. vid comic nefarious.
5. obani draco, courtny gears.
6. lot 34, giant clank.
7. station: q9, arena battle.
8. daxx, docks miniboss.
9. thyranosis, moma thyranoid.
10. florana, captain qwark.
Adapting the games into novel form. Check the fan fiction tab.
Messages : 85
Starship Phoenix - VR Simulation and Battle with Courtney Gears! This game had some great soundtracks!
Please check to see if you are still breathing…
Flying Qwark Punch!
Messages : 64
Courtney Gears Music Vid and Boss Fight! I like to make fun of them in so many different ways!
Qwark? He dosen't need weapons when he has his special move! It's called the " Flying Qwark Punch! "
i agree with UYAmaster9 in courtney gears songs (im playing this off your site as i type this ^^) for a school dnace we had to choose a song i chose the no lyrics version (and longer version) and danced to it with my friends (A plus baby ^^)