Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, Lepy! I'm really looking forward to seeing your OC.
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Welcome to Ratchet-Galaxy Lepy! Hope you have a fun time here.
To answer your question about uploading an avatar, I suggest you should check this thread.
It will solve your problem in a jiffy.

Messages : 40
Thanks Tipsy! You really helped!

Messages : 3
even if i've already introduced myself, let's do it again!
I'm Graziano, an 16 year old italian student of south Italy. I Love animes and videogames, and also I really love Japan and all his stuff, expecially technologic and food stuff. My hope is to visit it once i've completed the school, and of course make interesting friends there!
Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy! I hope you enjoy the forum and have a good time here.

Messages : 88
Hi welcome to Ratchet Galaxy! Glad to meet you (your italian? Cool I am learning to speak italian^^)

Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages : 3875
welcome to Ratchet Galaxy Crashis!

Messages : 3
thanks a lot to all people! ^^ i'm sure i will enjoy myself here!
soaring, if you want i can teach you something in italian. just ask!
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Welcome to RG Crashis.
Hope you check the rules of the forums first before you post anything that will not get you in trouble. Hope you have fun and enjoy your stay here.
Hello everybody.My name is Bartu Bilgin and I am 16 years old.I was born in January 18 1995.I love video games,grafitti and photography a lot.I am from Turkey but I live in China.As I love Ratchet and Clank series a lot,I decided to sign up and…that's all.
Questions questions questions,you ask all these questions.Ask yourself this.
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Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy general. I'll call you general for short just because your username is pretty long to try to remember.
Please make sure you check out the rules before you post anything in the threads and most importantly, have fun.
Welcome to Ratchet Galaxy, Generalalister! I hope you enjoy the forum and have a good time here.

Messages : 40
Geinea Lombax : Hello everyone! Before you all get cofuse this is not Lepy Lombax. I am Geinea Lombax, the sisters of Lepy Lombax I couldn't make my own account here because the website wouldn't let me saying "You already have a account here" I mean really? Anyway, my sister let me barrow hers for now. Ok, I found this website while messing around on google back in October last year, I notice the "Retro Story" by PipoTachyon and out of curiosity I click on it and found this wonderful place! Big Thanks to PipoTachyon! Now about myself. My name is Ana and I LOVE animals! There the best things in the whole planet! Even made-up ones! My favorites are hamsters, cats, dogs, meerkats, etc. I even love Lombaxes for crying out loud! (They actually resemble joboas or springhares) Moving on I love reading on Fanficion.net but only Ratchet and Clank and sometimes Club Pengiun if there's nothing to read. I seen some of you guys there! I am 16 years old and I am in love the R&C series since 2003! I also love Rayman who, when I was little,I saw as a puppy! Zelda is also on the list along with others. I have lurking here for months now and I decided to join you guys, I know everything about Ratchet Galaxy now. This is becoming too long so I'll have to shut up now. It's nice finally join you all! And before I forget I love drawing and in Fanficion.net I review as Geinea Lombax oh and I love making stories. I making a Ratchet and Clank story right now and share it with all of you here when I get the chance. That's all my new friends. P.S. Did you see the news of the tornado yesterday? That oversize cloud of fart happen right near my house! It cause a poweroutage on my street.

Messages : 88
Wow, lombaxes do look like Springhares! Maybe they evolved from them^^? Oh and welcome to ratchet galaxy
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Wow, lots of new members since I was here last time I'm glad to see so much activity!
Welcome aboard, Ratchet & Clank fans!