Sujet : MBRH too hard?


It took me forever to figure out how to shoot. Not even kidding.
Though I did facepalm when I figured it out. Really, it was more like facecontrollered, but, oh well.

It's still fun to quote Qwark for his one-liners though. Especially when playing Nerf wars or Laser Tag.

It took me forever to figure out how to shoot. Not even kidding.
Though I did facepalm when I figured it out. Really, it was more like facecontrollered, but, oh well.

Yea exactly the same here, I spent forever runnng around, wondering how to shoot, FOREVER! Then when I figured it out I felt soo stupid emoji

Meh, I can't be bothered playing that cause I can't get the trophy emoji

You know in the game when the holographic terrachnoid apologizes and says to Ratchet "People around here tend to throw things." I had no clue why for the longest time. emoji

THEN I played MBRH…emojiemoji

…NOW I KNOW!!!!emoji(

I don't know, it was fun, but the trophy isn't worth it. I spend a lot of time trying to convince my brother to play with me.emoji

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Sometimes me and my friend want to play a multiplayer game but almost everytime we get bored and then we go to MBRH and we always have a good time hearind tthe funny quotes and animations. I like that minigame.

My brother and I have fun fooling around with it.

This is the absolute last trophy I need on ACiT, I can score between 6,000-8,000 but can't get any further emoji. It's a great little minigame, with some fantastic quotes in it, but it's one of the few sections in the game that almost made me throw my controller across the room. emoji(

I'm a trophy hunter myself but… all this for a bronze trophy? seriously!?… It's the last trophy I need to get the platinum trophy… and no I don't have two controllers, but I wish I did, it would've made it easier for me to get!

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TIP: When you can't shoot because of the blaster being hot, you can rotate the right analog stick and, if near an enemy, it will damage him.

Yeah I know about that… I get around about 8000 points then I die

A word of advice would be that saving civilians is VITAL!

do it, that's how I now get ridiculously high scores.

It just mainly depends on luck really, you get 100 points for each civilian you save. if you save enough civilian, you will get some extra life.. That life is scattered across the battlefield.

- Try and go for the extra life but don't get killed in the process.
- Don't risk saving a civilian if you think you'll loose a life in the process.
- Use explosive enemies to kill near by enemies.. it'll make the waves easier to pass.

That's pretty much it from me..