What would you do if he and his kind were around?
Would you…
Despise Tachyon and his kind for what he did to the Lombaxes.
Be on his/their side and say "To heck with the Lombaxes! I'm a Cragmite Worshiper!"
(Please do not mention any ideas that would be highly unsuitable and offensive for younger members, especially any ideas about despising Tachyon and his species. Keep it mild and cool)
I would probably be Tachyon's friend at first. I can understand why Tachyon would loathe Lombaxes for what they did to his kind years ago, but try to get them back on vengeance and such would probably be something that I would not want to touch with a 20 foot pole. So finding out how much he hates Lombaxes and how annoying that can be if he starts mentioning the same thing over and over again, I would knock him out with a huge watermelon, put him in a box and sent him to Antarctica. If he survives and forgets what he's doing, then we can play a good card game with some other people/robots/aliens. I would make sure not to invite any Lombaxes if Tachyon is around. That would make me sound like a backstabber to Ratchet and his kind, but I would tell them that it'll be for their own safety.
As for Cragmites, I would just do the same thing as with Tachyon, except I would not be their friends at all and just sent them to Antarctica right away. For therefore, they would creep me out even more than Tachyon. Also, no card game for them.
So would you be like with Tachyon and the Cragmites. Friends? Foes? or Both?