Sujet : News Reports in ACIT

Here you can talk about any topic brought up in the news reports in ACIT

Here's one thing I found out today, you know that little clip of music you hear before each news report? I knew I've heard it before somewhere but I couldn't figure out where, I thought it was from one of the usual news stations but it wasn't. But today found out where it's from, it's the same song played before the news in Saints Row 2

thought I'd share that in case anyone else was wondering if they'd heard it before.

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I like listening to the News reports and I'm glad all of them are uploaded here too, so we can hear them whenever we want XD

But yeah, the most famous one is obviously the one with Angela (And Ace at the end, lol)… I haven't actually heard it on a playthrough yet, only on this site. And that one when Qwark gets mad during the production of My Blaster Runs Hot is funny too.

But I also liked the adverts, like the ones with Qwark XD those are funny as!

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When I replayed ACIT not too long ago, there was one news report I heard that was about Lord Vorselon. Where he came from and how did he joined Dr.Nefarious was at least good to hear on a News Report from the First Sector because I was highly confused with Vorselon coming up randomly in the cutscene he first appeared in.

My response to this character when I first played ACIT was… "Who the heck are you?"

I just wished that Insomniac would thought of a better way to explain Lord Vorselon's background information clearly because I thought his position in the game felt pretty careless and not that interesting at all. If there was a quick cutscene of Vorselon's backstory, I probably would of cared about him even more than how he was portrayed in ACIT.

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yeah a lot of people do agree that Vorselon should have had more screentime and such.

And in fact, Flint Vorselon is actually mentioned to be in Zordroom prison during Tools of Destruction! (At the same time as Ace and Slim, lol) but yeah, in one of the news reports it said that Vorselon escaped prison 6 months before Crack in Time….

Now you two know how I feel.

I happen to like Vorselon, but he didn't get enough screen time that he should have gotten. He was one of the few characters I was looking the most foreword to pre-CiT (besides for Ovrus, who's my 2nd fav of the new bunch (Still love Sigmund more)) due to I loved his design and I thought his back story was pretty interesting.

However, he ended up being very downplayed and I wish we learned more about him other than "body being crushed and abandon on Zaurik." For one, how the hell did he even survive, who found him and saved him, etc? Maybe I'm asking too much, but still. Oh well, fanom is the only thing to do now XD

And speaking of which, all the villains besides for Nefarious were very downplayed. Nefarious took up all the screen time and if they wrote more of the other villains (or at least just Vorselon and get rid of the Vals)for the game to do much more, then maybe they could have more character development than they had. Sad SweetT is sad.

Tachyon got a good amount of character development and we learned alot about his backstory, which was intresting and somewhat kinda sad if you think about it. I'm sure he was looked down apond being the reason why he had a big gruge against the Lombaxes (that, and he learned about his species).

I was hoping they did the same in CiT for some of them as well. The Vals could have gotten a bit more character development or not been there in the first place, and maybe we could have gotten more Vorselon or at least his backstory being explained a bit more. Nefarious, as much as I loved him, felt waaaay too much like he was just there for gags and fan service. He didn't do anything besides sitting around. It was Lawrence that did everything for him (and Vor and Cassy also taking care of everything else).

Well, I'm done ranting for one day XDD

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Yeah it is quite a shame that many of the characters didn't get enough screentime and/or character background development. Reminds me of someone else… *points at Ace* XD

But yeah, hopefully in the next game they do it better with the newer characters ;D and yeah, Nefarious was mostly messing around and being funny, but I admit I did find it funny a lot of time. But Lawrence really did most of the work.

Now Im reminded of that news update when Nefarious rang up and complained about the 'last' episode of Lance and Janice emoji

Ace got nothing, at Vor got a little something (even if it wasn't too much). DAMN YOU IG! Why must you not give the villains good back story and character development *shakes fist*

Yeah I agree with you guys about Ace, he really did have nothing about his past except for in a prima guide, which not many people knew of so people automatically thought he was a douchebag for no reason but money! But I do find it interesting that IG keep givig Ace cameos/cameos in ALL the future title games…. Even though he has no fans (more like used to have no fans, now that Tara has come and made him a 'rising' star, hehe)

Same with Vorselon, not much about him is revealed neither

Tara made me a fan for sure XD He's even going to be in my fanfic XD

Well, we did get a little, but not enough. All we knew he lost his body, but it was never said how besides that he lost it with war with the Dropyds. Kinda did the Ace thing on him, but the difference is that I was sure he was evil and had the same personally before the event, just not as insane (or stupid I'm sure). But as for past life, I'm sure his life wasn't too harsh on him. I have fanom ideas, but other wise that's the most we will ever get in the game (and I'm sure he won't be coming back anytime soon being Ratchet stepped on his head).

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Tachyon got a good amount of character development and we learned alot about his backstory, which was intresting and somewhat kinda sad if you think about it. I'm sure he was looked down apond being the reason why he had a big gruge against the Lombaxes (that, and he learned about his species).

I was hoping they did the same in CiT for some of them as well. The Vals could have gotten a bit more character development or not been there in the first place, and maybe we could have gotten more Vorselon or at least his backstory being explained a bit more. Nefarious, as much as I loved him, felt waaaay too much like he was just there for gags and fan service. He didn't do anything besides sitting around. It was Lawrence that did everything for him (and Vor and Cassy also taking care of everything else).

Well, I'm done ranting for one day XDD

I agree that Tachyon did get a good amount of character development in TOD, and how his story was presented was pretty straight forward and not a hard miss to understand his purpose compared to the villains in A Crack in Time. I didn't mind the much dialogue in the game, but I guess for those who aren't audio learners would probably miss some important detail right away.

Well, come to think of it, I think Nefarious would be the type that would just lay back and let everyone do the work for him. I cannot really see him as the type that would do so much work on his own. He was even like that in Up Your Arsenal, except for moments when the action and plot became serious around the climax or even near the end. But I would agree about the way Nefarious acted in A Crack in Time was more like a love letter to the fans.

Same here. I was very disappointment with the Villains in CiT due to that, being what ToD game us with Tachyon.

And for your case for Nefarious: Thinking about it, yeah I kind of agree with you. He surely isn't very hands on compare to some other villains. In fact, most of the villains aren't besides for Qwark (when he was), The Space Pirates, Tachyon and Vorselon and the Vals to a lesser descent. Drek, Vox and Nefarious somewhat were only sitting back and letting everyone else handle the problems. And while I love Nefarious, he was really just a love letter to the fans, which made me sad. In the Trailers, he looked like he was going to be taken more seriously and more of a threat along keeping with his wackyness we love him for. But he ended up being more of a joke than in UYA. Yes, he had is sinister moments, but otherwise he sat back and let his henchmen (woman) do the work.

As one of my friends said: Nefarious is as useless as his troops when it comes to everything. He wouldn't last a day with out Lawrence on his side, he would be lost. While he may be brain smart (though that's debatable), he isn't very street smart.

But yeah, he did feel like he was just there to please the fans.

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Hmm yeah that could be true, since so many fans were demanding his return and stuff (I remember this years back, lol) and well, he's easily the most popular villain in the series so… yeah! But even the Insomniacs love him so I guess they wanted to bring him back anyhow. But he did seem more like a joke most of the time but I do admit I found him to be very funny in CiT, lol

Oh yes, the fans XD Grained, I love Nefarious (look at my Avatar lol), but if I want him back, I want him to have a point other being there other than gags. Also, if you're going to add new characters, give them screen time as well. What I hate is new characters being underused when its the only game they are going to be in.

I loved the advert that had Qwark saying, "It's time to clean up the streets, with your blood!" Made my 25-year-old friend crack up! And he plays Gears of War! R&C is suitable for all ages!

And where can you be in this great universe without Captain Qwark?Who doesn't like the Space Radio Ads with Qwark in it?Especially when Qwark yells at the director. emoji

And I also love Qwark's line,"now that's what I call,horsepower!"*falls to ground laughing*

My favorite ad is when Qwark talks about Q-Pore.That name rings a bell…*looks at Q-Force picture*

If you listen closely at the warnings,you will hear the guy say that "direct contact with skin causes loss of eyesight,fragile bones,skin loss,muscle tension,spontanious combustion,and/or death."*falls to ground laughing,while coughing*

Would you want Q-Pore?It removes any blemishes and any other facial condition.So buy Q-Pore today! emoji