Sujet : What Video Game Are You Playing right Now?

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Starting to play Sega's Crazy Taxi on the Dreamcast.

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Let's Playing Resident Evil, also playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on my PSP.

Now that i finaly: Became a madgod, kicked butt as a listener, and killed half of cyrodill, im playing MDK II

Okay so not right now! But finnished Jak 3 and… LOL the Percursers! And i see how Dax got his pants now XD it was a great ending! Bit hard of a game though… But still extremely fun! And finnishing this series makes me thing… One fine fine game series! Too bad Naughty Dog are done with them emoji I WAYY prefer the PS2 Naughty Dog ones… OH WHY CANT ND MAKE A COOL NEW ONE FOR PS3!! (like R&C they were goin' fine until the PSP then they got… badish… Then the PS3 games!.. (mainly because the original creators returned to make the series good again!.. Por J&D emoji

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Because they are way too occupied with the Uncharted games. Once Naughty Dog are finished with Uncharted 3, I at least hope they should at least make one Jak game for the PS3.

And speaking of Jak and Daxter, yesterday I was playing Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Not my number 1 favourite Jak and Daxter game though, but this game is great to jump into after a tiring day from work.

And I'm also replaying Super Mario RPG. I've just played this game a month ago, but I knew I could have done a better job in my first play through of the game. Plus it's also another game that calms me down.

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Playing Forza Motorsport 3 on the Xbox 360 and Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64

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Playing Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 (PS2) and Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii).

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I'm playing Spyro Year of the Dragon, it's a PS1 classic, the first three Spyro games from Insomniac really are one of the best PS1 games ever made.

I'm also playing LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga with my 4 year old brother.

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Just bought and started to play Chrono Trigger today on the Wii Virtual Console. Looks like I'm starting to like playing Japanese RPG games these days… well only ones that are out on the SNES. emoji

Currently I am playing WWE All Stars for PSP.

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Playing Halo 1, 2 and 3 on the Xbox 360 and Modnation Racers on the PS3, BTW I've actually met the person who designed the main character (which is at the bottom of the message) in the Modnation Racers game:
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Super Metriod… and I cannot believe how much trouble I am having with this game. emoji

I'm playing Uncharted 1 I'm on the final chapter I think emoji

I'm playing Uncharted 1 I'm on the final chapter I think emoji

Funnily enough, I've been playing that on and off as well. Not played it before, so a buddy of mine lent it to me, not nearly as far as the last chapter though.

Also, I bought LA Noir a couple of weeks back and I downloaded InFamous as one of my free PSN games. AND I downloaded the first phoenix Wright game for my iPad, so I've been quite busy the last few weeks (though I should really have been spending my time working on my forensics assignments, LOL!! emoji)