Sujet : The Underrated List

Okay, I try not to mention this too often for fear of being "the dude who only talks about Farscape" but…

I would say that Farscape is quite underrated as a TV series. When people see it, usually they think of it as just another Star Trek clone, or they see that was was made by The Jim Henson Company and immediately think it's Muppets in space, which couldn't be further from the truth on both counts. While it does feature animatronic puppet characters, they are so well made and operated they emote better than most A-List actors! Granted, it did get a bit weird in places, but it was one of the most well written, best acted and had the most engaging story lines I've ever seen in a TV show.

As for other things, well the music group Supreme Beings Of Leisure are pretty underrated, so much so I've never met another person who's even heard of them, lol!

And I agree that Ratchet can be a bit, as well. I think most people would probably just see it as a kids game, when clearly it's not emoji

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The PS1 game MediEvil: really underrated game, it had an original storyline, good humor and a loveable main protagonist. Sadly the game had only one sequal and a remake, both were critiziced by some fans emoji

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The PS1 game MediEvil: really underrated game, it had an original storyline, good humor and a loveable main protagonist. Sadly the game had only one sequal and a remake, both were critiziced by some fans emoji

Even if I didn't grew up with the PS1 (I was more of a Nintendo gamer during that era), but I DID remember the MediEvil franchise through commercials and ads.

Another underrated game series I like to point out is Maximo for the PS2. I remember playing the first game with my younger cousin back in high school, but I didn't take too fond of the game at the time because it was too difficult to beat, so I pretty much gave up on it. Like MediEvil, Maximo was another game series that didn't reach any further for more sequels.

I'm going to risk saying this even when I know very few people on this site will agree with me (but then again, that's my point really; it's under-rated)
PS Move is the MOST ADVANCED MOTION SENSING EQUIPMENT IN THE WORLD. But a lot of people just wave it aside because they think it's a gimmicky version of the Wii.

Just saying…

I can under stand why you could say that and it looks 10 times better than the wii

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Sorry, but I just don't see the appeal in Drawn Together…. Tried to watch it once and turned it to somewhere else after five minutes.

My list….

1) Psychonauts (PS2 Game) - This game is one of the best PS2 games I've ever played. It would have been a hit, if the people knew how to advertise it. I find myself sometimes going on "auto pilot" and replaying the game over and over because I love it that much.

2) Okami (PS2 Game) - I'm fairly certain there are Okami fans here. This game was one of the best, truly. And I'm talking about the original PS2 version. Not the crappy Wii port. The game was pretty long and it kind of acted like "Okami" and then "Okami 2" once the middle of the game was reached. Plus you had to fight every boss at least twice (one three times). I loved this game for that.

3) Whiplash (PS2 Game) - This game is one of the funniest I've ever played, even though it had an "anti-animal cruelty message" in it to make it somewhat edumacational. My favorite scene is when the eels spell out "HELP" and then the rabbit looks at the weasel "Can you read English? Yeah, me neither." XDDDD

4) Invader Zim (Cartoon) - This was my absolutely favorite cartoon when I was growing up. I loved GIR to death. Stupid Nickelodean had it canned…

I COMPLETELY agree with IZ! It was the best show EVER! If you know what I'm talking about, I would have LOVED to see more of resisty- mainly it's captain, LarNar. He IS my favorite, even though he only appeared in one episode… He was hilarious…

"that's the Massive out there. My people designed that thing, so I know how powerful it is… WE'RE GONNA' DIE!!! WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS?!?!?!"


Ape Escape- What happened to it? I know it seemed like it- but it wasn't that stupid and kiddish as it was thought to be. It was a very quirky, funny, and creative series. over 5 games made in Japan never made it to America!

ChalkZone- Okay- please don't critisize- I know it's a kiddy show, but you see… the first and second series of this show was amazing. Aside from the kiddish part- isn't it kind of a creative story? Honestly- the creator who can use magic chalk to open a portal to an imasginary world of chalk drawings- AND MEETS HIS OWN CREATION! I'm sorry but I love Snap to death- dunno' why. the only thing i hated was the STUPID little songs they sang at the end, but I like this one…

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I can under stand why you could say that and it looks 10 times better than the wii

PS Moves controls may work well, but their launch title games are pretty s**tty and too blandish for now. I didn't bash the PS Move if that's what you are getting at, only their games. These bundle packs like the PS Move and Kinetic are starting off in a pretty mediocre presentation at this time around.

The Wii suffered these problems when the system was first launched back in 2006 (I think that's the correct year), but with great Wii titles coming out this year, it's becoming quite a more superior console to own now.

I have nothing against opinions and thoughts, but this whole "what console is better" phase gets a little out of hand sometimes. emoji

What's also underrated is the film The Iron Giant.

I've mentioned this animated feature recently in other threads, but a heart-warming tale about a boy and his gigantic robotic friend is definitely a film that hasn't got too much appreciation during it's time.

Disney…I love you sometimes, but let non-Disney animated movies have more appreciation than you. emoji

Even though its been mentioned already… Invader Zim is under rated even though it has a pretty big fan base. Well the show called the Swat Kats is a very under rated show from the 90's about two cats, T bone and razor who save the city of Megakat from villans like dark kat and doctor viper and the metalikats…It really is a good show emoji

now just be cause i talk abut this guy alot or he seem to have a lot of fans but deadmau5 is actualy underrated. about half of the people i talk to don't know who he is and i can't blame them eather.

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I can tell you a show that is extremely underrated.

Delta State

The style of the visuals may look flat and weird, but the animations are so incredible to look at since they use the rotoscope technique. Even the story premise is pretty deep and quite complex to get into when this show was first aired. It involved 4 roommates that have the ability to subconsciously enter an human mind realm to pick the pieces of their past memories and stop a evil force in overtaking the human thoughts. Like Clone High and Undergrads, this was one of those shows that became under the radar. It's so underrated that it is extremely difficult to find a single episode online. You cannot even find the actual opening to this show on youtube, except for one… but the one I checked was in bad quality and it was in Spanish. emoji

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okay, alot of teh namco characters i like are underated- and the ones i like are the little anime dudes. a game i like alot is Star Trigon- but it never got a sequal, was only released for ipod and PC. it was one of the best repetitive arcade games i know- (aside from Mr. Driller) but i like alot of the cute lil' characters like Taizo Hori, Wataru (forget his last name- but hes teh main character of star trigon), Susumu Hori, and many other cute characters.i live the lil' guys!

MDK I and II, Its a great game, feels abit like Ratchet and Clank, MDK I was made by the creators of Earthworm Jim,Shiny. and MDK II By, BioWare