I personally thought that A Crack In Time was overdone.
They added so much extra stuff that it ceased to feel like a Ratchet title.
There were so many collectables (Zoni, RYNO plans, and gold bolts) that they were easy to find as they crammed them all in so that the game was splitting at the seams with them.
Space exploration was a nice idea, and was fun to begin with but became a bit boring. You can fly around on a flat surface and land on some moons for some more easily obtained collectables.
Clank's time puzzles were really fun, but they were quite easy and there weren't enough of them.
The hoverboots were fun and a fast way to get around, but on playing the previous games again, you can tell that the hoverboots just don't feel right.
The difficulty setting was strange, I've only played it on "Hard" and "hardcore".
Hard mode I found easier than UYA and GC, it wasn't very hard as such, Insomniac Games say they had the difficulty setting so that begginers didn't have too much of a challenge, but if hard mode was as easy as I found it then easy mode must be ridiculously easy.
Hardcore mode however is a massive jump from hard mode and is actually a challenge!
the graphics were odd, while they improved the characters; Ratchet was more furry, Clank more shiny etc. they didn't seem to put as much detail into the environments, for instance, I'm always amazed at planet Cobalia on Tools of Destruction, but I never felt that awe in ACIT, also, all of the explosions, flames and smoke are a horrible 2D!
So what I'm saying is that I found ACIT quite an anticlimax, and I know a few other people who think the same.
Does anyone on this site have their thoughts
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