Sujet : The comics, UK?

It just occurred to me, where will these comics be sold in the United Kingdom?
I know the likes of Amazon and sell graphic novels, but not small paperback comics like this.
Anyone have any idea??? |:

maybe they'll be released after they release them in the USA like a few months after you know?

I'd imagine places like game stores would sell them, not sure about in newsagents however (they usually sell lots of magazines and stuff, at least down where I live :P). We might get some luck in Waterstones or WH Smith emoji

I did hear somewhere that the comics maybe coming to the virtual comics feature on PSP, to be honest i haven't used mine in years so i think i will try to find it on the Internet or else where.

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Yeah, I heard that the Comic's will only be available outside of the US on the Digital Comics Store for PSP (why not PS3? I mean… seriously now :-/ what's the point in reading it on a small PSP screen?)
This sucks cause it means I WILL have to import it from the US myself, because knowing NZ, they won't order it… unless they appear on Trademe, like the first series of action figures.

And yeah, this also means just as soon as they come out, I'll have to wait like, a week before even getting them, while everyone in the US has already read the issue XD but I did hear that as long as Comic stores outside the US order them, then they will get them.

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Yeah,i searched nearly ever comic store in Ireland but couldn't find any so eventually i decided to use ebay,I have them all now emoji

I've found them loose sometimes at random in a comic store. But there is also a really big book store that sells books from the UK. They can order the hardcase combo album when requested. I'm thinking about getting it sometime this year..