For me:
Movie: Star Wars III
Album: X&Y
Game: Warcraft 3 (fan girl xD)
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Movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Album: Queen's Greatest Hits
Game: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (it was pretty hard to choose one)
Movie: Despicable Me
Album: t.A.T.u - The Best
Game: Sonic Unleashed
I really need to add R&C to the list.
Monty python and the holy grail
Clockwork Angels-Rush
Wil Wheaton says: Don't be a dick.

Qwark: technology i just made u my-
Messages : 154
movie-men in black 3
album-linkin park livin things
game-ratchet and clank crack in time
Happy birthday RatchetGalaxy

Messages : 382
Movie: 28 Weeks Later
Album: Bangarang
Games: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
These are just some out of the whole bunch that I like

Hands Up, Hard Dance, Hardcore.
Messages : 150
Movie: The Breakfast Club
Album: Disturbed - Asylum
Game: Ratchet: Deadlocked / Ratchet: Gladiator

Somebody unplugged me controller!!!!
Messages : 85
Movie: The Road to El Dorado and Star Wars I
Album: This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars, Gold by Britt Nicole, Goodbye Lullaby by Avril Lavigne, Ocean Eyes by Owl City and The Songs of Distant Earth by Mike Oldfield
Game: Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty, Skate 3, Sonic 06' and the Sly Collection
I couldn't choose just one! These will probably change real soon, too!
The only way to accept an insult is to IGNORE it. If you can't ignore it, TOP it. If you can't top it, LAUGH at it. If you can't laugh at it, YOU PROBABLY DESERVED IT, SUCKER!

Messages : 412
Movie: Wall-E
Album: The Wall by Pink Floyd
Game: Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
All subject to change…….
Album: The Wall by Pink Floyd
Oh yeah!
Estherash, I know the feeling. Mine were hard to pick, and they will probably change.
Wil Wheaton says: Don't be a dick.

"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
Movie: The Interpreter
Album: Album? I don't have one actually. I'll just add my favorite song atm:
Breath of Life by Florence and the Machine. The soundtrack from Snowhite and the Hundsman.
Game: StarFox Adventures, GameCube.
Movie: when I was younger, I loved to watch the animated movies. But now I've changed in 2011.
Album: It doesn't matter - I like all types of music.
Video game: If you really need to know, why don't you visit my profile, then?
All about me, you'll find in my profile;3!!!!
See you soon!!!!
Don't forget to write to me - I'm pretty sure we're gonna be the good friends;D!!!!
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!