
This may seem like an odd topic but…
A while back after I got back from Germany, my Clank figurine (from the R&C series 1 figures) was destroyed by my cousin, and recently… I got a new one to replace the old one, cheap off someone. BUT that leaves me with two Ratchet figures (only with the wrench) since it was sold with the Clank.
(No, he didn't come with the combustor, unfortunately)
So I was thinking about maybe holding a little art contest where fans can draw something (which I can judge) and then I send the winner the Ratchet with Wrench figurine in the mail… for free I've held a OB contest in 2008, and over 20 people joined and I sent out prizes to the top 3 winners. So you can trust me on this one…
So, what do you guys think? Good idea? It could be a chance for a R&C fan to get a Ratchet figurine for free XD since I dont need two of the same one!