Sujet : Your favourite constructo combos

What are your favourite combinations of mods for the constructo weapons?
I'll start:
Pistol Rapid fire, blast, scorcher
bomb glove shockwave, proximity and shrapnel
shotgun choke, detonator.

Pistol:Rapid fire, Blast (forget how oyu call it >_<emoji, Beam (long range!)
Bomb: Mine, Shockwave, Sharpnel
Shotgun:, bullet explode thing, double barrel, and that satalite thing

Pistol: Rapid fire, Beam, first Blast, but than i changed to the fire thing. Blast makes the enemy fall back when i hit him, fire wont do that and allows me to kill him without releasing the trigger and still hitting the enemy.

Bomb glove: Mine, the explosion goes in every direction (looks awesome..), Sharpnell.

Shotgun: Choke, detonator.