Sujet : If you could have one weapon...

It may sound like a strange, and psychopathic question: but if you could have one of Ratchet's weapons in real life, what would it be?

I'd have the Cryomine glove, not very harmful, but if someone was annoying me, I could freeze them to get them to shut up for a few moments…

if I had one of rathcet's weapons I would have the morph-o-ray and use it to turn bullies, women beaters, child abusers, rapists, etc into chickens and then I'll sell them all to the colonel emoji I know it's an evil thing to do but it's for the good course for the planet because we have too many jerks around here =/

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Hmmm… that's a good question. But if I had to choose one weapon in particular, I would pick the Rift Inducer.

Not only I could this for putting jerks, psychotic murderers and lunatics in a black pit of doom, I could also use the Rift Inducer to throw away things that I don't need anymore. You know, stuff that you really want to give away, but you know that nobody is going to buy them off of you.

It's the perfect weapon for a hoarder! emoji

Why the Groovitron Glove, of course. Great in parties and boring lectures.

Why the Groovitron Glove, of course. Great in parties and boring lectures.

everybody dance nooooow! *dances*

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alpha cannon. and cutesigma, women beaters and rapists disquist me more than anything, so I'll shoot'em and you morph em'! emoji

alpha cannon. and cutesigma, women beaters and rapists disquist me more than anything, so I'll shoot'em and you morph em'! emoji

nice but I have a better idea I'll turn them to chickens after that you'll scream 'PULL!' and when I chuck them in the air you'll blast them sounds pretty evil dosn't it?

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alpha cannon. and cutesigma, women beaters and rapists disquist me more than anything, so I'll shoot'em and you morph em'! emoji

nice but I have a better idea I'll turn them to chickens after that you'll scream 'PULL!' and when I chuck them in the air you'll blast them sounds pretty evil dosn't it?

great plan!!!

Chimpositron so i can change that annoying nut of an "friend" into a monkey… wait… then he is even mroe annoying emoji

Mr.Zurkon because he's hilarious

Mr.Zurkon is looking to kill you

BTW guys, I've decided you can also chose
-Things that aren't Ratchet's weapons e.g Time Bomb or any of the weapons on SAC or even the Hyper Sonic Brainwave Scrambler!
-The Peacemaker from Jak and Daxter because it kicks a**

thanks for the update dude but I'm sticking with the morph-o-ray for good reasons

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thanks for the update dude but I'm sticking with the morph-o-ray for good reasons

LOL I'll stick with my Alpha Cannon VX Omega! PS: Morph o' ray idea? chicken, pull, boom? GREAT IDEA.

That's OK emoji , that update was really aimed for any members who hadn't already commented…

thanks for the update dude but I'm sticking with the morph-o-ray for good reasons

LOL I'll stick with my Alpha Cannon VX Omega! PS: Morph o' ray idea? chicken, pull, boom? GREAT IDEA.

Heres my idea: use Pork o' bomb, whith the right mod, you get free food! emoji