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How do you know they don't have ********?
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How do you know they don't have ********?
But in the real world, animals have tails to keep them balanced so that they don't fall over. If male Lombaxes need tails, it would stand to reason female ones would too!
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Messages : 947
Messages : 40
Geinea Lombax: lombaxdude42 you have spoken! That is the number One reason why FEMALES NEED TAILS!!! Saying that they don't is exteremly sexist, rude, and disrespectfull to all female creatures with tails. Think about it. Lombaxes are 100% animals, it plays an important part in their lives. A tail is a valueble part of the body for any creature that has it. It shows emotions, serve as a weapon, use for balance, works as a distraction, helps build, mating tricks, use for hunting, etc.
See how important it could be? Removing that unique "Tool" from a gender will make its life more diffcult. Plus it will throw off the entire species altogether, making it a geneic distaster.
Plus the female Lombaxes look ugly as sin and WAY too human-like for their own good (and for my liking.)
There is NO SUCH THING for a gender to be rewarded with tails while the other would be seen as some random look alike thing in the shadows. Tails are a blessing to them.
As for Angela, in my case, she lost her tail somehow. Some animals lose their tails in fights or something. I have a little squirrel friend who we name Bobby who lost part of his tail. Its easy to tell whose Bobby in the mess of friendly squirrels we have in our yards. See? that's reasonable and makes more sense.
And yes, all of my female Lombax OCs have tails for these reasons. Plus this theroy deeply digusted/insulted me in so many levels that it's not one bit funny.
But in the real world, animals have tails to keep them balanced so that they don't fall over. If male Lombaxes need tails, it would stand to reason female ones would too!
The Lombaxes and Cazares are NOT the animals! They're the alien species!
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!
Messages : 947
Hey, Lepy Lombax, how do you think we males feel? Having a tool which is essential yet females cannot possess makes us expendable. The females would get their mates to do the stuff they are unable to do themselves. If Mother Nature had her way, that's all they'd ever do. Suppose a male wants to be dependent on a female?
Being 'special' affects both parties.
P.S. Why do you start off your posts with "Geinea Lombax"?
P.S. Why do you start off your posts with "Geinea Lombax"?
Problably because she has more than one person using her acount?
Okay now to REALLY answer this question. Problably IG wasn't planning on Angela to be a lombax so they didn't give her a tail but then after the release of ToD fans started to ask if Angela was a lombax. Finally they answered us in ACiT but had to get a stupid excuse cause Angela's original design didn't have a tail.
But in the real world, animals have tails to keep them balanced so that they don't fall over. If male Lombaxes need tails, it would stand to reason female ones would too!The Lombaxes and Cazares are NOT the animals! They're the alien species!
The same rules still apply, because the term "animal" applies to all living things that are not plants. Even humans are technically animals, and so are Lombaxes and all the other things. Think about it; if we landed in their universe, we would be considered the aliens, because we were unknown creatures from somewhere else…
Anyway, what if TJ Fixman deliberately wrote that 'radio broadcast' to be inaccurate, Kip and Pepper clearly argued a lot of the time, so when Kip said he thought Angela wasn't a lombax because she didn't have a tail, Pepper could have stated female lombaxes didn't have tails without actually having researched the facts, just so that she could sound clever in comparison to Kip…
i.e, it's not nescacarily an accurate "fact" that female lombaxes don't have tails……
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Messages : 382
Citation : lombaxdude42
The same rules still apply, because the term "animal" applies to all living things that are not plants. Even humans are technically animals, and so are Lombaxes and all the other things. Think about it; if we landed in their universe, we would be considered the aliens, because we were unknown creatures from somewhere else…
Said Like a Boss!
Messages : 412
But in the real world, animals have tails to keep them balanced so that they don't fall over. If male Lombaxes need tails, it would stand to reason female ones would too!
Very true, can anyone think of a species where the male/female has a tail and the other doesn't?
I'm thinking Angela either lost her tail through an accident or kept it stuffed down a trouser leg out of the way. It's not the sort of thing you want in a lab/engineering environment where there's stuff to catch it in.
Lol,would've been very uncomfortable to have your tail stuck down your trouser leg
4 crap sake guys! If insomniac said that the female lombaxes don't have tails, THEY DON'T HAVE TAILS!
Although, in every fan fanfic I have read, the females have tails. THIS IS TOO DAMN CONFUSING!
Be yourself, Everyone else is taken.
Ah - this old chestnut. What a freaking mess...especially from those nostalgic-for-the-PS2-era toxic hardcore gamers who believe they can only ever be right, and anyone who likes anything from the Future series and beyond, particularly, MUST always be wrong.
A few points:
1. Just because a funny little news story, created for the obviously tongue-in-cheek, meant-to-be-funny radio broadcasts heard in A Crack In Time, indicates that "female lombaxes don't have tails" doesn't mean that those are firm, definitive statements from Insomiac Games OR Sony...because they WEREN'T statements from either company;
2. I saw someone say earlier (either on here or on Reddit) that, in one game, Ratchet's tail is not seen when he was wearing full armor (I believe the game was Deadlocked), and that person suggested that maybe his tail was stuffed into the suit. Which then presupposes that Angela (IF she is a lombax) did the same;
3. Several people made good points here justifying why it would make absolutely NO SENSE for the female of a species to not have a tail when the male of a species would. Granted, this is all gaming and sci-fi but, in the best of science fiction, the logical rules and norms of physics, biology, ecology, etc. still apply (as often as possible);
4. Finally, and tellingly, no matter was what said in A Crack In Time, in a silly little news story that is obscure and never meant to be a key plot point in the game or the franchise, what Insomniac Games only ever ACTUALLY said was in the art book The Art Of Ratchet & Clank, published years after ACIT, which states (and I quote, from page 110 which specifically looks at Angela Cross): "Is she a Lombax? Or isn't she? She has no tail! We're really, really sorry to our fans about this one. Seriously, we mean it." I have a feeling that, when the new game comes out later this year (or in early 2021), in conjunction with the PS5 launch, they're going to try to resolve this question once and for all.
I am with the large percentage of fans who believe it's actually stupid to believe that female lombaxes have no tails. There is zero sense to believing otherwise, just because of one one-up character and a silly little radio news story in a subsequent game. The final word came in the art book...their apology for creating this controversy. And the final answer was also a shrug. Not a "hey guys, we want to just reinforce our earlier statement, for the record, that female lombaxes definitely don't have tails!"
Messages : 1
For everyone who keeps completely losing it over the claim that a female might have no tail and then make bogus arguments to how it's "unscientific" and makes no sense.. it isn't unrealistic or impossible.. you literally have an entire animal kingdom that proves how different genders can be in certain.
In MANY cases, genders adapt specific and completely useless traits entirely because of an evolutionary selection caused by mating processes and attraction. Obvious real life examples would be, the male peafowl who sports a gigantic, colourful "tail"/plume that the female does not have. Or how males in certain species of baboons will have drastically different physical features in their face, mane, and sporting a giant red behind, etc
It doesn't take much fantasy to imagine a situation where the male in a fantasy alien spieces (who are bipedal anyway, so having a tail for "balance" serves no purpose) develop tails as part of their mating process and a sign of se6ual maturity.
Regardless, this complete freak out over the idea that female lombaxes wouldn't have tails is ridiculous and not remotely bound in "science" or making sense for anyone who actually understands biology.